2018 GSA Southeastern Section

67th Annual Meeting

Geology at Every Scale

12–13 April | Knoxville, Tennessee

Hilton Knoxville


Information For Presenters

Unless otherwise noted, each speaker is allotted a time of 20 minutes for oral presentations, which includes 15 minutes for the presentation, and 5 minutes for questions. Presentations must be prepared using PowerPoint or PDF formats, using a 16:9 screen ratio.

Authors of posters are asked to have their posters in place by 8 a.m., for morning sessions, and by 1 p.m., for afternoon sessions. Authors of posters should be present at their posters for 2 hours during their allotted sessions: 9–11 a.m., for morning sessions, and 2–4 p.m., for afternoon sessions. Morning session posters must be removed by noon, and afternoon session posters must be removed by 5 p.m. Poster presenters have one 4'x8' horizontal (landscape) display board. Electrical hookups are not available for poster presentations.

Speaker Ready Room

The Business Center of the Knoxville Convention Center, adjacent to Room 301E, serves as the speaker ready room. All oral session presenters must visit the Speaker Ready Room before their scheduled presentation to ensure their PowerPoint or PDF file is properly configured and operating and load it on one of the laptops. Failure to do so may result in presentations being omitted from sessions. Speaker Ready Room hours are as follows:

Wednesday, 11 April: 4–7 p.m.
Thursday, 12 April: 7 a.m.–5 p.m.
Friday, 13 April: 7 a.m.–2 p.m.

Morning presentations must be uploaded by the end of the day prior to the presentation. All afternoon presentations must be uploaded by noon on the day of the presentation. Each speaker must bring his or her PowerPoint or PDF presentation on a USB compatible flash drive (a.k.a. thumb drive or memory stick) or a CD-ROM disk to the Speaker Ready Room for checking and uploading to their session’s folder according to the deadlines below:

 For Presentation   Upload Not Later Than 
 Thursday, 12 April, AM   7 p.m., Wednesday, 11 April 
 Thursday, 12 April, PM   noon, Thursday, 12 April 
 Friday, 13 April, AM   5 p.m., Thursday, 12 April 
 Friday, 13 April, PM   noon, Friday, 13 April 


Keynote address

The Co-Evolution of the Geosphere and Biosphere: A “Big-Data” Approach
Robert Hazen, Carnegie Institute for Science and George Mason University.


S1. Longstanding Problems and New Ideas about the Structure and Tectonic Evolution of the Southern Appalachians and Other Mountain Belts: In Honor of the Career of Robert D. Hatcher Jr.
Arthur J. Merschat, USGS; J. Ryan Thigpen, University of Kentucky; Elizabeth McClellan, Radford University; Mark W. Cater, USGS.

S2. From Diamonds to the Moon, Advances in the Understanding of Planet Formation: In Honor of the Career of Lawrence August Taylor.
Geoffrey Howarth, University of Georgia; Linda C. Kah, University of Tennessee.

Theme Sessions

T1. Seismic Hazards in the Eastern United States.
Christine Powell, University of Memphis; Chris Cramer, University of Memphis; Martin Chapman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

T2. Recent Advances in Our Understanding of The Crust and Upper Mantle in the Southeastern United States.
Robert B. Hawman, University of Georgia; James H. Knapp, University of South Carolina.

T3. Geomorphic Anomalies and Underlying Geologic Controls Identified from Surficial and Bedrock Mapping, Southeastern United States.
Kathleen M. Farrell, North Carolina Geological Survey; Christopher S. Swezey, USGS.

T4. Chemostratigraphy as a Tool for Reconstruction of Past Environments.
Cosponsored by GSA Sedimentary Geology Division.
Linda C. Kah, University of Tennessee; Miles A. Henderson, University of Tennessee.

T5. Environmental Problems and Solutions Associated with Appalachian Shale Plays and Coal Mining.
Anna Szynkiewicz, University of Tennessee; Nathaniel Warner, Pennsylvania State University.

T6. Karstology: Mechanisms and Case Studies in the Southeastern United States.
Cosponsored by GSA Hydrogeology Division.
Terri Brown, Lincoln Memorial University; Ben Miller US Geological Survey

T7. Linkages among Subterranean Ecosystems and Geological Events in the Eastern United States.
Nicholas S. Gladstone, University of Tennessee; Matthew L. Niemiller, University of Alabama; Evin T. Carter, University of Tennessee; Michael L. McKinney, University of Tennessee; Sarah W. Keenan, University of Tennessee.

T8. Geomicrobiology of Microbes and Minerals: Influence across Ecosystem Scales.
Jill Mikucki, University of Tennessee; Caleb Schuler, University of Tennessee.

T9. Nutrient Hotspots through Time: Taphonomy in Modern and Fossil Ecosystems.
Sarah W. Keenan, University of Tennessee; Jennifer M. DeBruyn, University of Tennessee; Sean M. Schaeffer, University of Tennessee.

T10. Biogeochemical Cycling and Microbial Dynamics in Response to Pulse Events.
Sean Schaeffer, University of Tennessee; Jennifer DeBruyn, University of Tennessee.

T11. Morphology and Evolutionary Trends.
Cosponsored by Paleontological Society.
Bradley Deline, University of West Georgia; Maggie R. Limbeck, University of Tennessee.

T12. Taphonomy: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Cosponsored by Paleontological Society.
Rebecca Freeman, University of Kentucky; Linda McCall, University of Texas at Austin; Simon Darroch, Vanderbilt University.

T13. Neontological Approaches to Paleontological Questions.
Stephanie K. Drumheller, University of Tennessee; Matthew A. Tibbits, Broward College.

T14. Geologic Mapping from the Appalachians to the Planets.
Cosponsored by GSA Planetary Division.
Robert Jacobsen, University of Tennessee; Keenan B. Golder, University of Tennessee.

T15. Planetary Surface Processes.
Devon M. Burr, University of Tennessee; Bradley J. Thomson, University of Tennessee.

T16. Structure, Stratigraphy, and Tectonics of the Craton in the Southeastern United States.
Mark Abolins, Middle Tennessee State University.

T17. Teaching Geosciences at the College Level—Resources and Projects for Community College Students.
Renee Mazurek, ABTech Community College.

T18. Undergraduate Research (Posters).
Cosponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research.
Lee Phillips, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Jeff Ryan, University of South Florida.

T19. Tectonics, Geochronology, and Thermochronology.
William A. Thomas, University of Kentucky and Geological Survey of Alabama; William T. Jackson, Jr., University of South Alabama

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Abstracts Due:
16 January

Early Registration Ends:
5 March

SEGSA Program Book Cover
Program Book