Let’s Make this a Respectful, Inclusive Scientific Event (RISE)!
GSA takes pride in offering safe, professional, inclusive events in which participants with diverse
backgrounds and points of view feel welcome and can count on being treated with dignity and
respect. By registering for our meetings, you agree to comply with GSA’s
Events Code of Conduct.
There is no substitute for reading the Events Code, but here are a few reminders:
Show Respect
- Keep questions concise and on topic.
- Be considerate and listen with an open mind.
- Be constructive - critique ideas, not people.
- Avoid saying or doing anything that is or is likely to be perceived as harassment or bullying.
Be Inclusive
- Demonstrate that you welcome a diversity of individuals and their identities.
- Show that you value different perspectives.
- Be mindful of potential biases and avoid comments and behaviors that are likely to make others
feel unwelcome or uncomfortable based on any identity-based factors. Harassment and
are never acceptable regardless of intent.
Speak Up
Report all conduct concerns right away using any of the following resources:
- Email: ethics@geosociety.org;
- RISE Office (on-site room at GSA annual meetings);
- GSA leaders: Speak with any GSA leader with whom you feel comfortable, e.g., Executive Director,
President, Councilor, Division or Section leader, field trip leader.
- RISE Liaisons: Speak with a RISE Liaison, i.e., a GSA member or employee that has been
to handle conduct concerns. RISE Liaisons wear RISE pings and are present at all GSA
annual and section meetings.
Learn about becoming a RISE Liaison
GSA takes all concerns seriously. We will follow up on every report and take all appropriate steps to
keep our events safe, respectful, and inclusive.