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arm contains 20–25 km of volcanics, whereas   Our SOA model is modified from Keller   location is constrained by Liu et al.’s (2017)
         the east arm contains 10–15 km. The dense   and Stephenson’s (2007) model based on   results. An underplate has also been observed
         igneous rocks affect the gravity anomaly   gravity, seismic, aeromagnetic, surface map-  along the RR’s northeastern extension (Aziz
         much more than the underplate, so the geom-  ping, and drilling data. Seismic reflection   Zanjani et al., 2019). A feature of our model,
         etry of the volcanics in the east arm was   data were used to constrain the location and   required to replicate the lack of a large gravity
         adjusted to match the gravity profiles.  thicknesses of the gabbroic and felsic intru-  anomaly, is that the RR contains far less
                                             sions producing the large positive anomaly.   high-density volcanics than the other rifts,
         SOUTHERN OKLAHOMA                   We simplified their model for comparison   perhaps because it extended less. Low-density
         AULACOGEN                           with the other rifts. Sedimentary basin rocks   Quaternary sediments of the Mississippi
          The Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen (SOA)   were averaged into a few units, and bodies   River basin overlying the rift rocks also con-
         (Walper, 1977) is a linear alignment of exten-  within the gabbroic intrusion that increased   tribute to the minimal anomaly.
         sively inverted rift structures perpendicular   in density with depth in the original model
         to the southern tip of the MCR’s west arm. Its   were averaged to a single density. Keller and   SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES
         main structures are the Wichita uplift (and   Baldridge (1995) proposed the presence of   Comparing the three rifts’ average gravity
         associated igneous provinces) and Anadarko   an underplate, which is consistent with the   profiles and subsurface structures inferred in
         Basin. Both the SOA and RR (discussed   gravity data and included in our model,   part  from them  illustrates similarities  and
         shortly) initiated as the Cuyania block,   though seismic data adequate to confirm (or   differences between the rifts.
         also known as the Argentine Precordillera,   disprove) its presence are not available.
         rifted away from Laurentia (Thomas, 2011;                              Tectonic Setting
         Whitmeyer and Karlstrom, 2007). Rifting is   REELFOOT RIFT               All three formed during rifting associated
         thought to have begun in latest Precambrian,   The Reelfoot Rift (RR) underlies the Upper   with Laurentia’s interactions within the super-
         but the oldest dates come from SOA igneous   Mississippi Embayment, a broad trough with   continent of Rodinia. The MCR formed after
         rocks dated at ca. 540 Ma (Wall et al., 2021).  a complex history of rifting and subsidence   the Elzeverian and Shawinigan orogenies and
          The SOA’s geologic and tectonic history   (Catchings, 1999). The NE-trending graben of   before the Grenville Orogeny that assembled
         has three major phases. The first involved   the RR is 70 km wide and more than 300 km   Rodinia (e.g., Hynes and Rivers, 2010). Its for-
         emplacement of the Wichita Igneous Province   long. Reflection profiles and mafic alkalic   mation was likely associated with  rifting
         during development of a rift beginning in the   plutons suggest several episodes of faulting   between Laurentia and Amazonia during a
         Ediacaran to mid-Cambrian (Brewer et   and intrusive activity (Mooney et al., 1983).   plate boundary reorganization (S. Stein et
         al., 1983; Perry, 1989; Wall et al., 2021).   The RR is believed to have experienced   al., 2014, 2018) (Fig. 3A), although details of
         Extensional and transtensional tectonism   multiple phases of subsidence (Ervin and   Amazonia’s location and motion are not well
         within the SOA developed during the latest   McGinnis, 1975), with the earliest rifting in   constrained at this time because of limited
         Precambrian–Cambrian opening of the   the Ediacaran associated with widespread   paleomagnetic data (Tohver et al., 2006; Li et
         southern Iapetus Ocean as part of Rodinia’s   rifting along North America’s margins during   al., 2008).
         breakup (Robert et al., 2021). Following rift   the breakup of Rodinia. The rift basin primar-  Additional evidence for this view comes
         failure, thermal subsidence allowed deposi-  ily developed during this Cambrian event.   from a change in Laurentia’s absolute plate
         tion of thick sedimentary sequences, mark-  Later subsidence, perhaps as late as the   motion around the time of the formation of
         ing the onset of the Anadarko Basin forma-  Cretaceous, is associated with emplacement   the MCR. A global plate model (Scotese and
         tion (Perry, 1989; Johnson, 2008). Finally,   of mafic igneous intrusives inside the rift and   Elling, 2017), updated with a global compila-
         Late Mississippian through Pennsylvanian   deposition of several kilometers of sediments   tion of paleomagnetic poles (McElhinny
         compression inverted the SOA and formed a   that bury them (Hildenbrand and Hendricks,   and Lock, 1996; Torsvik et al., 2008, 2012;
         NE-trending fold-thrust belt containing the   1995; Cox and Van Arsdale, 2002). Relative to   Merdith  et  al.,  2017;  Scotese  and  Van  der
         Wichita and Arbuckle Mountains (Keller   the MCR and SOA, the RR experienced   Voo, 2017; Veikkolainen et al., 2017), was
         and Stephenson, 2007). The compression is   significantly less volcanic activity during rift-  inverted to generate synthetic apparent polar
         believed to be related to North America’s   ing, and its subsidence influenced the sedi-  wander (APW) paths that match the plate
         collision with Africa and South America   mentation and subsequent development of   model. Comparison with global mean poles
         during the Alleghenian Orogeny (Kluth and   the drainage basins of major rivers, such as   (GMP) revealed these synthetic APW paths
         Coney, 1981) or tectonic activity along North   the Mississippi. Climate-controlled erosion   produce a good fit within the α95 error of the
         America’s western and southwestern mar-  and unloading of sediments that fill the rift   GMPs. Laurentia’s APW path has a major
         gins (Lawton et al., 2017; Leary et al., 2017).   basin have been proposed to have triggered   cusp, called the Logan Loop, recorded in
         The SOA exposes only a fraction of its extent   the present seismicity (New Madrid seis-  part by the MCR’s volcanic rocks (Fig. 3C).
         in the Wichita Mountains and contains more   mic zone) on faults remaining from  the   Cusps in APW paths have been observed
         than 210,000 km  of buried mafic rocks up to   rifting (Calais et al., 2010).  elsewhere when continents rift apart (Gordon
         10 km thick along the entire rift (Hanson et   We developed our model by modifying   et al., 1984). A similar cusp appears ca. 600
         al., 2013), along with a large volume of felsic   one by Liu et al. (2017) based on their work   Ma in this model (Fig. 3C), during opening
         igneous rocks, including granitic intrusions   and earlier models constrained by seismic   of the Iapetus Ocean as the Argentine
         and interbedded rhyolites. Emplacement and   refraction, gravity, and magnetic data   Precordillera microcontinent rifted from
         subsequent inversion of the igneous rocks   (Mooney et al., 1983; Braile et al., 1986;   the Wichita embayment on Laurentia’s SE
         yielded a positive gravity anomaly of ~60   Nelson and Zhang, 1991). Earlier studies iden-  margin (Whitmeyer and Karlstrom, 2007;
         mGal, similar to the average of the MCR arms.  tified an underplate, or “rift pillow,” whose   Thomas, 2011). Both the SOA and RR

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