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Letter from the General Chair

                         As many of you know, Montréal has been severely hit with the pandemic, which forced the
                       cancellation of the on-site Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. We are,
                       however, excited by the challenge that setting up a virtual meeting represents. I am confident that
                       such format change offers the possibility of fostering scientific discussions and exchange of ideas
                       in ways that a normal meeting cannot achieve. For this sake, the GSA staff are working very hard
                       to select the best technopedagogic tools to optimize your virtual experience. We are also aware
                       that many of you were looking forward to this meeting for living the unique cultural experience
                       that Montréal has to offer. Although it is impossible to replicate the live experience, members of
                       the local organizing committee and I are preparing special activities to tease you with typical
                       Montréal treats. We hope that this new virtual meeting format combined with a taste of local
                       flavor will entice you to participate in the 2020 meeting and ….come visit us live for the GSA
                       Annual Meeting in 2027 in Montréal!

                                                                  Be  safe,

                                                           Félix Gervais
                                                           GSA 2020 General Chair
                                                           Associate Professor at the Department
                                                           of Civil, Geological and Mining
                                                           Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal

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