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been vertically displaced by ~4–6 m due to     increase in surface elevation. We interpret       We suggest that the identified scarps
slip on a steep, north-dipping reverse fault.  this en echelon arrangement of topo-            together compose an active fault system
                                               graphic ridges and the lateral juxtaposi-       that is up to ~1 km wide and 30–60 km
Site B                                         tion of topographic highs and lows as           long (Fig. 2A). Although individual linea-
                                               pressure ridges, common in strike slip or       ments can be traced for only hundreds of
  Five kilometers east along strike from       oblique slip systems (e.g., Sylvester,          meters along strike, meter-high fault scarps
site A, a prominent south-facing bedrock       1988; Sherrod et al., 2008, 2016; Nelson        are not easily preserved in this wet climate,
scarp extends for ~1.5 km and shows evi-       et al., 2014).                                  and the fault scarps are semi-continuous
dence for brittle deformation along its                                                        with one another along strike. Our recog-
length (site B, Figs. 2 and 4). Near the cen-  QUATERNARY SLIP ON THE                          nition of topographic features along the
ter of this scarp, an abandoned rock           LEECH RIVER FAULT                               western ~30 km of the fault similar to
quarry exposes two steeply north-dipping                                                       those on the eastern half (Fig. 2C) suggests
sub-parallel faults (dipping 85° to N40°E)       The displaced geomorphic features,            that the active fault zone extends the entire
cutting Metchosin Formation basalt (site       faulted bedrock, and prominent scarps           60-km length of the fault onshore (Fig.
B1, Figs. 4A and 4B). Both faults have a       collectively argue that several strands of      2A). Scarp morphology, fault orientations,
1–2-mm-wide gouge zone and exhibit sub-        the Leech River fault have been active          and fault kinematics suggest that the active
horizontal slickenlines (05° toward 129°)      since the late Pleistocene. Our observa-        strands of the Leech River fault accommo-
consistent with strike-slip motion (Figs.      tions support a tectonic genesis for the        date strike and dip slip motion within a
4B and DR1C [see footnote 1]). At the          topographic features we identify for sev-       steeply dipping fault zone or flower struc-
eastern end of site B, the scarp becomes       eral reasons. First, several of the identified  ture. Within a zone up to 1 km wide, we
~4 m high and uphill facing (Fig. 4A).         topographic features show evidence for          observe near vertical faults, variable scarp
Here, the northern (upthrown) side of the      extensive brittle faulting. For example, the    facing directions, laterally discontinuous
scarp consists of fractured and brittly        fractured rock and gouge along the scarp        surface scarps, and field evidence for
deformed Metchosin Formation basalt,           at site B (Fig. 4B) require a tectonic origin   strike-slip and reverse faulting. These
whereas the southern (downthrown) side         and exclude formation by either ice pluck-      characteristics are typical of strike slip
of the scarp contains fine-grained sedi-       ing or the erosion of a bedrock foliation.      systems and are similar to features
ment (P3, Fig. 4B). Similar to site A, the     Second, the observation that paleo–ice          observed along active oblique-reverse
apparent north-side-up displacement            flow was directed to the south, at a high       faults in the adjacent Pacific Northwest
across the scarp and the northward diver-      angle to the orientation of the topographic     (e.g., Johnson et al., 2001; Sherrod et al.,
gence of the scarp trace into topographic      features (Fig. 2C), further rules out forma-    2008, 2016; Kelsey et al., 2012; Nelson et
lows signifies dip displacement along a        tion by glacial processes. Finally, it is       al., 2014; Personius et al., 2014; Blakely et
steeply north-dipping reverse fault (Figs.     unlikely that the topographic scarps in         al., 2014).
4B and DR1D). Overall, these observa-          Quaternary deposits were produced by
tions suggest an origin for this feature as a  landslide processes. Several of the scarps,       These new results challenge the pre­
tectonic scarp.                                including those at sites A and B (Figs. 2C      vailing view that the Leech River fault was
                                               and 2D), are uphill facing, nearly perfectly    primarily an Eocene structure (cf.
Site C                                         linear, and do not exhibit curvilinear head     MacLeod et al., 1977). This interpretation
                                               scarps that would be expected for landslides.   was partly based on the observation that
  Approximately 5 km east of site B, an                                                        relatively undeformed Oligocene sedi-
~1.5-km-long region contains >300-m-long         The most compelling evidence for a tec-       ments of the Carmanah Group (Sooke
ridges, linear sags, and swales up to          tonic origin for these topographic features     Fm.) lie unconformably above healed frac-
~2–5 m in height that cut across relatively    comes from site A, where both the hillslope     tures and mylonitic fabrics close to the
smooth, gently sloping till-mantled hill-      surface and multiple channels are displaced     trace of the Leech River fault near Sombrio
slopes (Figs. 4C and DR1E). These topo-        vertically along an uphill facing scarp         Point (Fig. 2A) (MacLeod et al., 1977).
graphic features display several differ-       (Figs. 3A and 3B). The scarp at site A can-     However, our results from the eastern half
ences from those at sites to the west.         not represent the remnants of an abandoned      of the Leech River fault show that active
Whereas sites A and B exhibit discrete         logging road or placer mining excavation        fault strands occur within a zone as much
topographic scarps, features in this region    because the base of the scarp is not graded,    as 1 km wide and these strands are not
are 10–15-m-wide elevated zones that sit       and the upper and lower surfaces are verti-     always co-located with observed fault-
more than ~5 m above the surrounding           cally separated by >~4 m (Fig. 3B). Such        related fabrics. Therefore, the location of
landscape. Moreover, while the scarps          displacement in hillslope elevation, and in     fault fabrics may not coincide with the
at sites A and B remain north-facing for       particular the displaced channels, cannot       surface trace of the active fault.
hundreds of meters along strike, the facing    be produced by any mechanism other than
direction of the features in site C transi-    fault displacement. Because the colluvial       IMPLICATIONS FOR
tions southeastward from south-                apron at this site remains both in situ and     PALEOSEISMICITY
to north-facing over a short (~200 m)          intact, the tectonic scarps crosscutting the
distance (Figs. 2D and 4C).                    colluvial surface and inset channels must         The displaced channels and colluvial
                                               be no older than the deglaciation following     surface at site A suggest this section of the
  These scarps have a nearly linear trace      the last glacial maximum (ca. 15 ka)            Leech River fault has experienced at least
across topography, but they do not exhibit     (Clague and James, 2002).                       two, and possibly three or more, large,
clear upthrown fault blocks or a marked

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