Member Recognition

Five GSA Members, two with medals, stand together with a conference stage and lecturn behind them.

GSA members are the heroes who move geoscience forward. Here are some of the ways we recognize them.

Honors & Awards

GSA and its scientific Divisions support a number of awards and medals to recognize excellence in the geosciences.

About GSA Awards

Current GSA award recipients

Current Division award recipients


GSA Fellows

Society Fellowship is an honor bestowed on the best of our profession in recognition of a sustained record of distinguished contributions to the geosciences and GSA.

Newly elected fellows

All current fellows

Fellowship nomination information


Member Anniversaries

Celebrate special milestones for GSA Members and Fellows.

50-Year Fellows

50-Year Members

25-Year Members


Member Memorials

Memorials are tributes written by associates, friends, or relatives to deceased members of GSA.

Find Memorials


Membership Card

To view your digital membership card, sign in and click your profile name in the site header. If you're a current member in good standing, you'll see a "Digital Membership Card" button under the membership details on your account page.