GSA Today
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GSA Today is the Society’s monthly, open-access science & news magazine that provides an audience of more than 22,000 readers.
Published 11 times a year (combined March-April). Issues include, but are not limited to:
Refereed hot-topic science article
"Groundwork" (focused on issues of import to earth science policy, planning, funding, and education)
Research and development technologies
Funding and career opportunities
Other events and activities of the Society and the community at large
In accordance with The Geological Society of America’s (GSA) mission to advance the geosciences and to support the geoscience workforce, GSA offers advertising services. GSA accepts tasteful geoscience-related advertisements that may be of interest to the geoscience community. The Society reserves the right to decline advertising at its sole discretion. Acceptance of advertising does not in any manner constitute GSA’s endorsement or recommendation of the providers’ products, services, policies, or practices.