Danita Brandt, Michigan State University, brandt@msu.edu; Melinda Higley, Calvin University,
mchigley@calvin.edu; Madeline Marshall, Albion College, mmarshall@albion.edu; Heather L. Petcovic,
Western Michigan University, heather.petcovic@wmich.edu; Michael Velbel, Michigan State University,
velbel@msu.edu; Peter J. Voice, Western Michigan University, peter.voice@wmich.edu; Ian Winkelstern,
Grand Valley State University, winkelsi@gvsu.edu.
Description: This trip examines classic Pennsylvanian exposures at Grand Ledge,
Michigan, where complex stratigraphy continues to foster discussion and debate. Field stops highlight
the bedrock exposures of channelized sandstones, fossil-bearing shales and sandstones, coals, and
limestone. A trip to the Pennsylvanian strata exposed at Grand Ledge, Michigan, is often the first
geology field experience for many Michigan geology students, making it a vital field-trip resource. This
trip will thus also highlight teaching resources, including a tour of the fossils and strata of
Michigan’s Coal Measures from the perspective of the educational and cultural importance of these