Hiroyoshi | Sano | | Fukutsu | | JAPAN | sano_hiroyoshi@icloud.com | 81-940-52-1025 | | Professor Emeritus |
Isaac | Pope | | Northglenn | CO | USA | ipope@mines.edu | | Colorado School of Mines | |
J. Brendan | Murphy | | Antigonish | NS | CANADA | bmurphy@stfx.ca | (902) 783-2692 | St. Francis Xavier U | Senior Research Professor |
Judith | Hannah | | Fort Collins | CO | | judith.hannah@colostate.edu | (720) 933-3644 | AIRIE LLC | Professor Emerita |
Lawrence | Guth | | Copper Harbor | MI | | KeweenawDrifter@gmail.com | | | Retired |
Leandro | Domingos-Luz | | Lexington | KY | USA | leandro.luz@uky.edu | (202) 250-4337 | University of Kentucky | |
Ogochukwu | Ozotta | | Houston | TX | | ogochukwu_ozotta@yahoo.co.uk | (832) 206-4158 | University of North Dakota | |
Rebecca | Taormina | | | | | rtaormina@geosociety.org | | The Geological Society of America - Boulder, CO | |
Richard | Hoefling | | Muenchen | | GERMANY | MUCVi04@web.de | | | Retired |
Robert | West | | Monterey Park | CA | | westrb@elac.edu | (323) 260-8115 | East Los Angeles College, Geology Department | Emeritus Professor of Geology |
Roger | Thomas | | East Petersburg | PA | | roger.thomas@fandm.edu | (717) 358-4135 | Franklin & Marshall College | John Williamson Nevin Professor of Geosciences, Emeritus |
Sara | Solis | | San Luis Obispo | CA | | ssolis1210@gmail.com | (310) 922-2600 | | |
Thomas | Hebert | | Chippewa Falls | WI | | tom@fossilpedia.org | (715) 559-1584 | | |
Valerian | Bachtadse | | Riemerling | | GERMANY | valerian@bachtadse.de | 017624098499 | | Research Professor |
William | Mode | | Neenah | WI | | modewc@twc.com | (920) 720-8797 | Univ Wisconsin - Oshkosh, Dept of Geology | Professor Emeritus |
Edward | Evenson | 1942 | Bethlehem | PA | | | | | Professor |
Sarah | Hanson | Adrian College | Adrian | MI | | sarahhanson042@gmail.com | (517) 264-3944 | Adrian College, Geology Dept | Professor |
Kuniyuki | Furukawa | Aichi University | Nagoya-shi | | JAPAN | kfuru@aichi-u.ac.jp | | Aichi University | Professor |
Aaron | Johnson | AIPG | Denver | CO | USA | awj@aipg.org | (303) 412-6205 | AIPG | Executive Director |
Michael | McRivette | Albion College | Albion | MI | | mmcrivette@albion.edu | (209) 402-6677 | Albion College | Associate Professor |
James | Jordan | Antioch University New England | Keene | NH | | jjordan@antioch.edu | (603) 283-2339 | Antioch University New England, Environmental Studies | Professor |
Cynthia | Liutkus-Pierce | Appalachian State University | Boone | NC | | liutkuscm@appstate.edu | (828) 262-6933 | Appalachian State Univ, Geological & Environmental Sciences | Professor & Department Chair |
Steven | Semken | Arizona State University | Tempe | AZ | | semken@asu.edu | (480) 965-7965 | Arizona State University | Professor of Geology and Education, and Senior Global Futures Scientist |
David | King | Auburn University | Auburn | AL | | kingdat@auburn.edu | (334) 844-4282 | Auburn University Dept of Geosciences | Professor |
Michael | Wolf | Augustana College | Rock Island | IL | | michaelwolf@augustana.edu | (309) 794-7304 | Augustana College Geology Dept | Professor |
Phyllis | Camilleri | Austin Peay State University | Clarksville | TN | | camillerip@apsu.edu | (931) 221-7317 | Austin Peay State University Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Professor |
John | Creasy | Bates College | Lewiston | ME | | jcreasy@bates.edu | | Bates College, Geology | Professor Emeritus |
Susan | Swanson | Beloit College | Madison | WI | | Sue.Swanson@wisc.edu | (608) 262-0068 | Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, University of Wisconsin-Madison | |
David | Szymanski | Bentley University | Waltham | MA | | dszymanski@bentley.edu | | Bentley University | Professor |
Pradip | Singh | BHU | Varanasi | | INDIA | pradip@bhu.ac.in | +91 7607840102 | Banaras Hindu University (BHU),VaranasiDepartment of Geology | Assistant Professor |
Brett | McLaurin | Bloomsburg University | Bloomsburg | PA | | bmclauri@commonwealthu.edu | (702) 379-6275 | Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania - Bloomsburg | Professor |
Peter | Borella | Borella Geology Inc. | Laguna Beach | CA | | borellageology@yahoo.com | (949) 887-9846 | Borella Geology Inc. | Professor Emeritus |
James Lawford | Anderson | Boston University | Boston | MA | | lawford@bu.edu | (617) 358-6668 | Boston University, Department of Earth & Environment | Professor |
Rachel | Beane | Bowdoin College | Brunswick | ME | | rbeane@bowdoin.edu | (207) 725-3160 | Bowdoin College | Professor |
Ganming | Liu | Bowling Green State University | Bowling Green | OH | | gliu@bgsu.edu | (419) 372-0517 | Bowling Green State University | Associate Professor |
Simon | Pattison | Brandon University | Brandon | MB | CANADA | pattison@brandonu.ca | (204) 727-7468 | Brandon University, Dept Geology | Professor |
Michael | Krol | Bridgewater State University | Bridgewater | MA | | mkrol@bridgew.edu | (508) 531-2121 | Geological Sciences, DMF Science Bldg | Professor |
Gregory | Carling | Brigham Young University | Provo | UT | | greg.carling@byu.edu | | Brigham Young University, Geological Sciences | Professor |
Pedro | Marenco | Bryn Mawr College | Bryn Mawr | PA | | pmarenco@brynmawr.edu | (610) 526-7580 | Bryn Mawr College, Dept of Geology | Associate Professor |
R. Craig | Kochel | Bucknell University | Lewisburg | PA | | kochel@bucknell.edu | (570) 577-3032 | Bucknell University, Geology and Environmental Geosciences | Emeritus Professor of Geology |
Gary | Solar | Buffalo State University | Buffalo | NY | | solargs@buffalostate.edu | (716) 878-6731 | Buffalo State University | Professor |
Robert | Clayton | BYU-Idaho | Rexburg | ID | | claytonr@byui.edu | (208) 496-7676 | Geology Dept. | Professor |
Melanie | Michalak | Cal Poly Humboldt | Arcata | CA | | mjm367@humboldt.edu | (707) 826-4978 | Cal Poly Humboldt | Associate Professor |
Claire | Todd | Cal State San Bernardino | San Bernardino | CA | | Claire.Todd@csusb.edu | (909) 537-5347 | CSUSB Geological Sciences | Professor |
Jonathan | Nourse | California Polytechnic Inst. | Pomona | CA | | janourse@cpp.edu | (909) 869-3460 | California State Polytechnic UnivDept | Chair, Department of Geological Sciences |
John | Wakabayashi | California State University Fr | Castro Valley | CA | USA | johnwako@sbcglobal.net | (559) 278-6459 | California State University, Fresno | Professor of Geology |
Valbone | Memeti | California State University Fu | Fullerton | CA | | vmemeti@fullerton.edu | (657) 278-2036 | Cal State Fullerton | Associate Professor |
Alyssa | Abbey | California State University Lo | Long Beach | CA | USA | alyssa.abbey@csulb.edu | (520) 444-3453 | California State University Long Beach | Assistant Professor |
Elena | Miranda | California State University No | Northridge | CA | | elena.miranda@csun.edu | (818) 677-4671 | California State University Northridge | Professor |
Dirk | Baron | California State University, B | Bend | OR | | dbaron@csub.edu | (661) 742-9941 | | Professor |
Ann | Bykerk-Kauffman | California State University, C | Chico | CA | | abykerk-kauffman@csuchico.edu | (530) 898-6305 | California State Univ - ChicoEarth and Environmental Sciences | Professor |
David | Shimabukuro | California State University, S | Sacramento | CA | | dhs@csus.edu | (510) 759-2995 | Cal State Univ Sacramento | Professor |
Terry | Lahm | Capital University | Columbus | OH | | tlahm@capital.edu | (614) 236-6800 | Capital University, Dept Environmental Science & Geology | Professor & Senior Associate Provost |
Kent | SUNDELL | Casper College | Casper | WY | | ksundell@caspercollege.edu | (307) 266-4760 | Earth Science | Instructor |
Michael | Wizevich | Central Connecticut State Univ | New Britain | CT | | wizevichmic@ccsu.edu | (860) 832-3188 | Central Connecticut State University, Geological Sciences | Professor |
Mona | Sirbescu | Central Michigan University | Mount Pleasant | MI | | sirbe1mc@cmich.edu | (989) 774-4497 | Central Michigan University | Professor |
Lisa | Ely | Central Washington University | Ellensburg | WA | USA | lisa.ely@cwu.edu | (509) 963-2177 | Central Washington University, Geological Sciences | Professor |
Michelle | Harris | Centralia College | Centralia | WA | USA | michelle.harris316@gmail.com | | Centralia College | Associate Professor |
Adolph | Oliver | Chabot College | Castro Valley | CA | | adolphcv@aol.com | (510) 723-7085 | Chabot College | Instructor |
Allen | Gontz | Clarkson University | Potsdam | NY | | agontz@clarkson.edu | (315) 268-7716 | Clarkson University | Professor of Applied Geology and Geophysics |
James | Castle | Clemson University | Asheville | NC | | jcastle@clemson.edu | (864) 207-6288 | Clemson University | Professor Emeritus |
Scott | Brame | Clemson University | Clemson | SC | | brames@clemson.edu | (864) 656-7167 | Clemson University, Environmental Engin. and Earth Science | Asst Professor |
Walter | Sullivan | Colby College | Waterville | ME | | wasulliv@colby.edu | (207) 859-5803 | Colby College | Associate Professor |
Norman | Levine | College of Charleston | CHARLESTON | SC | | levinen@cofc.edu | 18439535308 | College of Charleston, Geology and Environmental Geosci. | Professor |
Alan | Benimoff | College of Staten Island/CUNY | Staten Island | NY | | alan.benimoff@csi.cuny.edu | 718-982-2835 | College of Staten Island Engineering and Environmental Science | Professor |
David | Bazard | College of the Redwoods | Eureka | CA | | dbazard@gmail.com | | College of the Redwoods, Dept Science | Emeritus Professor, Earth Sciences |
William | Hirt | College of the Siskiyous | Weed | CA | | hirt@siskiyous.edu | | College of the Siskiyous | Emeritus Professor |
Brent | Owens | College of William and Mary | Williamsburg | VA | | beowen@wm.edu | (757) 221-1813 | William & Mary | Professor |
Mark | Wilson | College of Wooster | Wooster | OH | | mwilson@wooster.edu | (330) 263-2247 | College of Wooster | Professor of Geology |
Verner | Johnson | Colorado Mesa University | Grand Junction | CO | | vjohnson@coloradomesa.edu | (970) 248-1672 | Colorado Mesa University, Dept Physical & Environmental | Professor |
Yvette | Kuiper | Colorado School of Mines | Golden | CO | USA | ykuiper@mines.edu | (617) 935-3437 | Colorado School of Mines | Associate Professor |
William | Frazier | Columbus State University | Dalton | GA | | frazier_bill@columbusstate.edu | | | Professor Emeritas |
Joseph | Allen | Concord University | Athens | WV | USA | allenj@concord.edu | (304) 384-8484 | Concord University | Professor and Chair |
Robert | Kay | Cornell University | Ithaca | NY | | rwk6@cornell.edu | (607) 227-5144 | Cornell University, Dept Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Co | Professor Emeritus |
Zheng-Xiang | Li | Curtin University | Perth | WA. | AUSTRALIA | z.li@curtin.edu.au | 61-8-9266 2453 | Curtin University, School of Earth and Planetary Sciences | Professor |
David | Greene | Denison University | Hancock | ME | USA | greened@denison.edu | | Denison Univ Dept Earth and Environmental Sciences | Professor Emeritus |
Ken | Brown | DePauw University | Greencastle | IN | | kenlbrow@iu.edu | (765) 341-6917 | DePauw University | Associate Professor, DePauw University |
Peter | Sak | Dickinson College | Carlisle | PA | | sakp@dickinson.edu | (717) 245-1423 | Dickinson College, Department of Earth Sciences | Professor |
Robert | Holdsworth | Durham University | Durham University | | UNITED KINGDOM | r.e.holdsworth@durham.ac.uk | +44(0)7980786344 | Durham University | Chair in Structural Geology |
Randall | Adsit | East Los Angeles College | Alhambra | CA | | radsit@mac.com | (323) 265-8838 | East Los Angeles College | Associate Professor |
Michael | Whitelaw | East Tennessee State Universit | Elizabethton | TN | | whitelaw@etsu.edu | (423) 542-5967 | East Tennessee State Universit | Professor |
Katherine | Lewandowski | Eastern Illinois University | Charleston | IL | | kjlewandowski@eiu.edu | (217) 581-7270 | Eastern Illinois University | Professor |
Steven | LoDuca | Eastern Michigan University | Ypsilanti | MI | | sloduca@emich.edu | (734) 487-8589 | Eastern Michigan University | Professor |
Ernest | Gilmour | Eastern Washington University | Cheney | WA | USA | egilmour@mail.ewu.edu | | | Professor, Emeritus |
Elizabeth | Catlos | ejcatlos@gmail.com | Austin | TX | | ejcatlos@gmail.com | (512) 568-2183 | UT Austin | Assoc Professor |
William | Size | Emory University | Atlanta | GA | | wsize@emory.edu | | Emory UniversityDept Environmental Sci | Professor |
Rachel | Rotz | Florida Gulf Coast University | Fort Myers | FL | | rrotz@fgcu.edu | 7066120109 | Florida Gulf Coast University | Assistant Professor |
Grenville | Draper | Florida International Universi | Miami | FL | | draper@fiu.edu | (305) 348-3087 | Florida International Univ, Dept of Earth and Environment | Professor |
Michael | Sukop | Florida International Universi | Miami | Florida | | sukopm@fiu.edu | (305) 348-3117 | Florida International University | Professor |
James | Tull | Florida State University | Tallahassee | FL | | jtull@fsu.edu | (850) 644-1448 | Florida State UniversityEarth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science | Professor Emeritus |
Ruth | Aronoff | Furman University | Greenville | SC | | ruth.aronoff@furman.edu | (864) 294-3363 | Furman University | Associate Professor |
Melanie | DeVore | Georgia College | Milledgeville | GA | | melanie.devore@gcsu.edu | (478) 453-2501 | Georgia CollegeBIOL and ENSC | Professor |
Robert | Vance | Georgia Southern University | Statesboro | GA | USA | rkvance@georgiasouthern.edu | (912) 478-5353 | School of Earth, Environment, & Sustainability, Georgia Southern University | Professor |
Pamela | Gore | Georgia State Univ, Perimeter | Decatur | GA | USA | pamela.j.w.gore@gmail.com | (678) 468-4807 | Georgia State University, Perimeter College | Professor |
Marc | De Batist | Ghent University | Gent | | BELGIUM | marc.debatist@ugent.be | (329) 264-4587 | Ghent University, Geology | Senior Full Professor |
John | Weber | Grand Valley State University | Allendale | MI | | weberj@gvsu.edu | (616) 331-3191 | Grand Valley State University | Professor |
Virginia | Peterson | Grand Valley State University | Allendale | MI | | petersvi@gvsu.edu | (616) 331-2811 | Grand Valley State University | Professor |
James | Welsh | Gustavus Adolphus College | Saint Peter | MN | | welsh@gac.edu | | | Professor Emeritus |
Tara | Curtin | Hobart & William Smith College | Geneva | NY | | curtin@hws.edu | (315) 781-3928 | Hobart & William Smith Colleges | |
J. | Bennington | Hofstra University | Hempstead | NY | | geojbb@hofstra.edu | (516) 463-5568 | Hofstra University | Professor |
Brian | Bodenbender | Hope College | Holland | MI | | bodenbender@hope.edu | (616) 395-7541 | Hope College | Professor |
Glenn | Thackray | Idaho State University | Pocatello | ID | | thacglen@isu.edu | (208) 282-3871 | Idaho State University | Professor |
James | Day | Illinois State University | Normal | IL | | jeday@ilstu.edu | (309) 438-8678 | Illinois State UnivDept Geography & Ge | Professor |
Abhijit | Mukherjee | Indian Institute of Technology | KHARAGPUR | | INDIA | amukh2@gmail.com | 9007228876 | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | Professor |
Erika | Elswick | Indiana University | Bloomington | IN | | eelswick@iu.edu | (812) 855-1523 | Indiana Univ. Dept. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences | Faculty |
Jon | Lewis | Indiana University of Pennsylv | Indiana | PA | USA | jclewis@iup.edu | (724) 357-5624 | Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania, Anthropology, Geospatial & Earth Sciences | Professor |
José | Gudiño | Instituto de GeologÃÂa UASLP | San Luis Potosi | SLP | MEXICO | rbarboza@uaslp.mx | (444) 817-1039 | Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potos, Instituto de Geologìa | research |
Katherine | McCarville | Iowa Lakeside Lab | Minot | ND | USA | katherine.mccarville@minotstateu.edu | (563) 542-3590 | Minot State University | Associate Professor, Geology and Paleontology |
Paul | Spry | Iowa State University | Ames | IA | | pgspry@iastate.edu | (515) 294-9637 | Iowa State University | Professor |
Mayank | Shukla | IPICYT, Mexico | San Luis Potosi | SLP | MEXICO | mayank.shukla@ipicyt.edu.mx | (444) 600-1298 | IPICYT, Division of Applied Geosciences | |
Dominique | Chardon | IRD | Toulouse | | FRANCE | dominique.chardon@ird.fr | 33 5 61 33 26 44 | IRD, GET | Senior research scientist |
Arash | Sharifi | Isobar Science | Miami | FL | | osharifi@rsmas.miami.edu | | University of Miami, Rosenstiel School, Marine Geosciences | Vice President of Laboratory Operations |
Ezat | Heydari | Jackson State University | Madison | MS | | ezat.heydari@jsums.edu | (601) 979-4230 | Jackson State University | Professor |
Mark | Ford | JC Steele & Sons /and/ Self | Statesville | NC | | MarkFordgeo@Gmail.com | (541) 908-4739 | Cogito Geologic | Chief Scientist /and/ Owner - Geochemistry Consultant |
Daniel | Viete | Johns Hopkins University | Baltimore | MD | | viete@jhu.edu | (410) 516-6096 | Johns Hopkins University | |
Katharine | Johanesen | Juniata College | Huntingdon | PA | | johanesen@juniata.edu | (814) 641-3601 | Juniata College | Associate Professor |
Matthew | Brueseke | Kansas State University | Manhattan | KS | | brueseke@ksu.edu | | Kansas State University | Professor |
Peter | Nielsen | Keene State College | Swanzey | NH | | pnielsen@keene.edu | | | Professor Emeritusr |
Anne | Jefferson | Kent State University | Burlington | VT | USA | anne.jefferson@uvm.edu | | University of Vermont | Professor |
Katie | Adelsberger | Knox College | Galesburg | IL | | kadelsbe@knox.edu | (309) 341-7274 | Knox College, Environmental Studies | Professor of Environmental Studies |
Jin-Han | Ree | Korea University | Seoul | | Korea (the Republic of) | reejh@korea.ac.kr | 82-2-3290-3175 | Korea University, Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science | Professor |
Prosun | Bhattacharya | KTH Royal Institute of Technol | Stockholm | | SWEDEN | prosun@kth.se | +46706974241 | KTH ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Department of Sustainable Development, | Professor |
Manuel | Sintubin | KU Leuven | Leuven | | BELGIUM | manuel.sintubin@kuleuven.be | (321) 632-6447 | KU Leuven, Earth- & Environmental Sciences | Professor of Geodynamics |
Edward | Simpson | Kutztown University | Kutztown | PA | | simpsson@kutztown.edu | (610) 698-5031 | Dept Physical Sciences | Professor |
Alice | Hoersch | La Salle University | Philadelphia | PA | | hoersch@lasalle.edu | (215) 951-1269 | La Salle Univ, Department of Biology | Professor and Program Director |
David | Sunderlin | Lafayette College | Easton | PA | | sunderld@lafayette.edu | (610) 330-5198 | Lafayette College | Professor |
Paul | Kelso | Lake Superior State University | Sault Sainte Marie | MI | | pkelso@lssu.edu | (906) 635-2158 | Lake Superior State University | Professor |
Lawrence | Tanner | Le Moyne College | Syracuse | NY | | tannerlh@lemoyne.edu | (315) 445-5437 | Le Moyne College | Professor |
Keegan | Schmidt | Lewis Clark State College | Lewiston | ID | | klschmidt@lcsc.edu | (208) 792-2283 | Lewis-Clark State College | Professor |
Kevin | Nick | Loma Linda University | Loma Linda | CA | | knick@llu.edu | (909) 558-4530 | Dept of Earth and Biological Sciences | Associate Professor |
Paul | Buchheim | Loma Linda University | Loma Linda | CA | | pbuchheim@llu.edu | (951) 533-9174 | Loma Linda Univ, Dept Earth and Biological Sciences | Professor |
Nathalie | Brandes | LoneStar College - MOntgomery | Cypress | TX | | DrNat13@yahoo.ca | (936) 273-7419 | Lonestar College- Montgomery | Professor of Geosciences |
Barbara | Dutrow | Louisiana State Univ | Baton Rouge | LA | | dutrow@lsu.edu | (225) 578-2525 | Louisiana St. Univ. | Professor/Past President |
Peter | Clift | Louisiana State University | LONDON | | UNITED KINGDOM | peter.clift@ucl.ac.uk | | University College London | Professor |
Anke | Friedrich | Ludwig-Maximilians-University | Munich | | GERMANY | friedrich@lmu.de | 00498921806512 | Ludwig-Maximilian University | Professor of Geology |
Karl | Wirth | Macalester College | St. Paul | MN | | wirth@macalester.edu | (651) 491-4332 | Macalester College | MSFEO Faculty |
Steven | Emerman | Malach Consulting | Spanish Fork | UT | | SHEmerman@gmail.com | (801) 921-1228 | Malach Consulting | Owner |
Tracy | Rushmer | Maquarie University | SEAFORTH | NSW | AUSTRALIA | Tracy.Rushmer@mq.edu.au | (043) 401-7181 | Maquarie University | Professor |
Jahandar | Ramezani | Massachusetts Institute of Tec | Cambridge | MA | | ramezani@mit.edu | (617) 253-1384 | Massachusetts Inst Technology, EAPS | Research Scientist |
Lyle | Nelson | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Ottawa | ON | CANADA | lylelnelson@gmail.com | | Carleton University, Earth Sciences | |
Robert | Stewart | Massey University | Cable Bay | | NEW ZEALAND | pakaraka.rs@gmail.com | (027) 467-6555 | | Associate Professor |
Alison | Leitch | Memorial University of Newfoun | St. John's | NL | CANADA | aleitch@mun.ca | (709) 864-3306 | Memorial Univ - Newfoundland, Dept Earth Sciences | Associate Professor |
Nicholas | Lang | Mercyhurst University | Erie | PA | | nicholas.p.lang@nasa.gov | (202) 304-4279 | NASA PSD HQ | Program Scientist |
Elisabeth | Widom | Miami Univ | Oxford | OH | | widome@miamioh.edu | (513) 529-5048 | Miami Univ - Ohio | Professor |
Yildirim | Dilek | Miami University | Oxford | OH | USA | dileky@miamioh.edu | (513) 529-2212 | Miami University, Dept. of Geology & E | University Distinguished Professor |
Joshua | Cribb | Middle Tennessee State Univers | Murfreesboro | TN | USA | warner.cribb@mtsu.edu | (615) 479-8805 | Middle Tennessee State University | Professor of Geology |
Jeffrey | Munroe | Middlebury College | Middlebury | VT | | jmunroe@middlebury.edu | (802) 443-3446 | Middlebury College | Professor |
Antony | Giles | Midland College | Midland | TX | | agiles@midland.edu | 14322145358 | Midland College | Chair and Associate Professor of Geology |
Jonathan | Price | Midwestern State University | Wichita Falls | TX | | jonathan.price@msutexas.edu | (940) 397-4288 | Midwestern State University | Chair and Professor |
Sam | Earman | Millersville University | Millersville | PA | | searman@millersville.edu | (717) 871-4336 | Millersville University, Earth Sciences Dept | Associate Professor of Geology |
Bryce | Hoppie | Minnesota State University | Mankato | MN | | bryce.hoppie@mnsu.edu | (507) 389-2315 | Minnesota State University, Department of BCG | Professor |
Karl | Leonard | Minnesota State University Moo | Moorhead | MN | | leonardk@mnstate.edu | (218) 477-2682 | Minnesota State Univ - Moorhead Dept A | Professor |
Renee | Clary | Mississippi State University | Mississippi State | MS | | rclary@geosci.msstate.edu | (662) 325-5924 | Mississippi State University | Professor |
Kevin | Mickus | Missouri State Univ. | Springfield | MO | | kevinmickus@missouristate.edu | (417) 836-6375 | Missouri State Univ Geology | Professor |
Thomas | Plymate | Missouri State University | Shelbyville | IN | | tgplymate@gmail.com | (417) 521-7118 | | Emeritus Professor |
John | Hogan | Missouri University of Science | Rolla | MO | | jhogan@mst.edu | (573) 341-4616 | Missouri Univ of Science & Technology, GGPE | Associate Professor |
Garry | Hayes | Modesto Junior College | Waterford | CA | | hayesg@mjc.edu | (209) 985-6719 | Modesto Junior College | Geology Professor |
James | Schmitt | Montana State University | Bozeman | MT | USA | jschmitt@montana.edu | (406) 581-7367 | | Professor |
Mary | Hubbard | Montana State University | Bozeman | MT | USA | mhub@alum.mit.edu | 435-881-2251 | Montana State University226 Traphagen Hall | Professor (retired) |
Larry | Smith | Montana Tech | Butte | MT | | lsmith@mtech.edu | | Montana Tech | Professor Emeritus |
Matthew | Gorring | Montclair State University | Montclair | NJ | | gorringm@montclair.edu | (973) 980-2216 | Montclair State University | Associate Professor |
Hongwei | Yin | Nanjing University | Nanjing | | CHINA | hwyin@nju.edu.cn | +86-25-89680312 | Nanjing University, Department of Earth Sciences | Professor of Structural Geology |
Chin-Ho | Tsai | National Dong Hwa University | Hualien | | TAIWAN | tsaich@mail.ndhu.edu.tw | 8863 8905180 | National Dong Hwa University, Dept of Natural Resources & Environmen | Associate Professor |
Ju-chin | Chen | National Taiwan University | Taipei | | TAIWAN | jcchen@oc.ntu.edu.tw | | National Taiwan Univ, Institute Oceanography | Professor |
Jennifer | Lindline | New Mexico Highlands Universit | Las Vegas | NM | | lindlinej@nmhu.edu | (505) 426-2046 | New Mexico Highlands University | Professor |
Nancy | McMillan | New Mexico State University | Las Cruces | NM | | nmcmilla@nmsu.edu | (575) 646-5000 | New Mexico State University | Academic Dept. Head, Geology |
Jeremy | Weremeichik | NJDEP | Piscataway | NJ | | jwgeology@gmail.com | (518) 253-7025 | GZA GeoEnvironmental | Scientist II |
Jeffrey | Greenberg | none | Titusville | FL | | jeffrey.greenberg@wheaton.edu | | Wheaton CollegeDept Geology | Retired Professor |
Bernhardt | Saini-Eidukat | North Dakota State University | Fargo | ND | | bernhardt.sainieiduk@ndsu.edu | (701) 231-8785 | ND State Univ | Professor |
Abraham | Springer | Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff | AZ | | abe.springer@nau.edu | (928) 523-7198 | Northern Arizona University | Professor |
John | Rockaway | Northern Kentucky University | Highland Heights | KY | | rockawayj@nku.edu | (859) 572-5412 | Northern Kentucky Univ, Dept Geology | Professor |
Robert | Regis | Northern Michigan University | MARQUETTE | MI | | rregis@nmu.edu | (906) 227-1176 | Northern Michigan University, Dept. of Earth, Env., & Geo Sciences | Professor |
Jonathan | Bryan | Northwest Florida State Colleg | NICEVILLE | FL | | bryanj@nwfsc.edu | (850) 729-2321 | Natural Sciences | Professor of Geology and Oceanography |
Donna | Jurdy | Northwestern University | Evanston | IL | | donna@earth.northwestern.edu | (847) 491-7163 | Northwestern UnivDept of Earth & Planetary Sciences | Emerita Professor |
Dennis | Hubbard | Oberlin College | Oberlin | OH | | dhubbard@oberlin.edu | | Department of Geology, 52 West Lorain St. | Professor |
Barton | Martin | Ohio Wesleyan Univ | Lewis Center | OH | | bsmartin@owu.edu | | | Emeritus Professor |
Tracy | Quan | Oklahoma State University | Stillwater | OK | | tracy.quan@okstate.edu | 405-744-5917 | Oklahoma State University | Associate Professor |
Edward | Bender | Orange Coast College | Chino | CA | | ebender@occ.cccd.edu | (714) 432-5681 | Orange Coast College | Professor |
Elizabeth | Nagy | Pasadena City College | Pasadena | CA | | eanagy@pasadena.edu | (626) 585-3369 | Pasadena City College Natural Sciences | Professor |
Laura | Guertin | Penn State Brandywine | Media | PA | | guertin@psu.edu | (610) 892-1427 | Penn State Brandywine | Distinguished Professor |
Kyle | Fredrick | PennWest - California | Pittsburgh | PA | | fredrick@pennwest.edu | (716) 572-3818 | PennWest - California, PA | Professor |
Joseph | Reese | PennWest Edinboro | Edinboro | PA | | jreese@pennwest.edu | (814) 732-2814 | PennWest Edinboro BEES | Professor |
Callan | Bentley | Piedmont Virginia Community Co | Earlysville | VA | | cbentley@pvcc.edu | (434) 244-6339 | Piedmont Virginia Community College | Associate Professor of Geology |
Christopher | Maples | PNCA | Reno | NV | USA | chrisgmaples@gmail.com | | Self-employed Editorial Services | Retired |
Pawel | Aleksandrowski | Polish Geological Institute | Wroclaw | | POLAND | pawel.aleksandrowski@pgi.gov.pl | | Polish Geological Institute, Lower Silesia Branch | Professor |
Jade Star | Lackey | Pomona College | Claremont | CA | | JadeStar.Lackey@pomona.edu | (909) 621-8677 | Pomona College | Professor |
John | Schumacher | Portland State University | Portland | OR | | j.c.schumacher@pdx.edu | | Portland State University, Department of Geology | Affiliate |
Scott | Burns | Portland State University | Portland | OR | | burnss@pdx.edu | (503) 725-3389 | Portland State UnivDept Geology | Professor |
Laurel | Goodell | Princeton University | Princeton | NJ | | laurel@princeton.edu | (609) 258-1043 | Princeton University | Academic Laboratory Manager |
Terry | West | Purdue University | West Lafayette | IN | | trwest@purdue.edu | (765) 494-3296 | Purdue Univ, Dept Earth & Atmospheric Sciences | Professor |
Herwart | Helmstaedt | Queen | Kingston | ON | CANADA | helmstae@queensu.ca | (613) 542-6455 | Queen, Dept Geological Sciences and Geologica | Professor Emeritus |
Peir | Pufahl | Queen | Kingston | ON | CANADA | peir.pufahl@queensu.ca | (613) 533-3262 | Queen's University | Professor |
Allan | Ludman | Queens College (City Universit | Flushing | NY | | allan.Ludman@qc.cuny.edu | | Queens College (retired) | Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Daniel | Habib | Queens College - CUNY | Plainview | NY | | danhabib2004@yahoo.com | (516) 495-4815 | Queens College, School Earth & Environmental Sciences | Professor Emeritus |
Elizabeth | McClellan | Radford University | Radford | VA | | emcclellan@radford.edu | (540) 831-5430 | Radford University Dept of Geology | Professor Emeritus |
Eleanor | Camann | Red Rocks Community College | Lakewood | CO | | eleanor.camann@rrcc.edu | (303) 914-6290 | Red Rocks Community College Geology Fa | Professor of Geology |
John | Anderson | Rice University | Houston | TX | | johna@rice.edu | (713) 705-4032 | Rice University | Professor-Emeritus |
Derek | Sjostrom | Rocky Mountain College | Billings | MT | | derek.sjostrom@rocky.edu | (406) 238-7387 | | Associate Professor of Geology |
Alec | Gates | Rutgers State University | Newark | NJ | | agates@rutgers.edu | (973) 353-5034 | Dept. of Earth & Environmental Science101 Warren St. | Professor |
Lauren | Neitzke Adamo | Rutgers University | New Brunswick | NJ | | lauren.adamo@rutgers.edu | (732) 932-7342 | Rutgers University | Associate Teaching Professor |
J. | Erickson | Saint Lawrence University | Canton | NY | | meri@stlawu.edu | | Saint Lawrence Univ Geology - Brown Ha | Professor of Geology Emeritus |
Lindley | Hanson | Salem State College | Salem | MA | | lhanson@salemstate.edu | (978) 542-6701 | Salem State University | Prof. of Geological Sciences (emerita) |
Brian | Cooper | Sam Houston State University | Huntsville | TX | | bjcooper@shsu.edu | (936) 294-1566 | Sam Houston State University | Program Coordinator |
Gary | Girty | San Diego State University | Lakeside | CA | | ggirty@sdsu.edu | | | Professor |
Gary | Peterson | San Diego State University | San Diego | CA | | | (619) 594-5594 | San Diego State Univ, Dept Geological Sciences | |
Mary | Leech | San Francisco State University | Pacifica | CA | | leech@sfsu.edu | (415) 338-1144 | San Francisco State University | Professor |
John | WILLIAMS | San Jose State University | San Carlos | CA | | john.williams@sjsu.edu | (650) 224-9015 | | Professor Emeritus |
Jeff | Meyer | Santa Barbara City College | Prescott | AZ | USA | meyerj@sbcc.edu | (805) 452-5071 | | Retired Instructor |
Erik | Larson | Shawnee State University | Portsmouth | OH | | elarson@shawnee.edu | (740) 351-3144 | Shawnee State University | Associate Professor |
Kurt | Shoemaker | Shawnee State University | Portsmouth | OH | | kshoemaker@shawnee.edu | (740) 351-3395 | Shawnee State University, Dept. Natural Sciences | Professor of Geology |
Allison | Jones | Sierra College | Rocklin | CA | | ajones124@sierracollege.edu | (916) 660-7945 | Sierra College | Professor |
Jenna | Thomson | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby | BC | CANADA | jennat@sfu.ca | (778) 782-3269 | Simon Fraser University, Bennett Library | Liaison Librarian |
Sergio | Sepulveda | Simon Fraser University | Burnaby | BC | CANADA | ssepulve@sfu.ca | 17787825389 | Simon Fraser University, Earth Sciences | Professor |
Patrick | Burkhart | Slippery Rock University | Harrisville | PA | | patrick.burkhart@sru.edu | (724) 421-9941 | Slippery Rock University | Professor |
Sara | Pruss | Smith College | Northampton | MA | | spruss@smith.edu | (413) 585-3948 | Smith College Geosciences | Professor |
Sarah | Keenan | South Dakota School of Mines a | Rapid City | SD | | sarah.keenan@sdsmt.edu | (605) 394-5163 | South Dakota School of Mines | Associate Professor |
Wendi | Williams | South Texas College | McAllen | TX | | wwilliam@southtexascollege.edu | (956) 872-8319 | South Texas College | Geology Faculty |
Sharon | Locke | Southern Illinois University | Edwardsville | IL | | slocke@siue.edu | (618) 650-3452 | Southern Illinois Univ Edwardsville, Environmental Sciences & STEM Center | Professor and Director |
Robert | Gregory | Southern Methodist University | Dallas | TX | | bgregory@smu.edu | (214) 768-3075 | Southern Methodist University | Professor |
Jad | D'Allura | Southern Oregon University | Jacksonville | OR | USA | rockit526@gmail.com | | Southern Oregon University | Professor Emeritus |
Joachim | Dorsch | St. Louis Community College | Saint Louis | MO | | jdorsch@stlcc.edu | (314) 984-7719 | St. Louis Community College-Meramec, Physical Sciences Department | Professor |
Jane | Willenbring | Stanford | Stanford | CA | USA | jane.willenbring@gmail.com | (650) 721-2131 | Stanford University | Associate Professor |
James | Ingle | Stanford University | Stanford | CA | | jim.ingle@stanford.edu | (650) 723-3366 | Stanford Univ, Dept Geological Sciences | Professor Geology |
R. | Nielson | Stephen F. Austin State Univer | Nacogdoches | TX | | rnielson@sfasu.edu | (936) 645-5399 | Stephen F Austin State Univ, Dept Geology | Professor |
Jeffrey | Webber | Stockton University | Galloway | NJ | | jeffrey.webber@stockton.edu | (609) 652-4213 | Stockton University, Geology | Associate Professor |
Emma | Rasbury | Stony Brook University | Stony Brook | NY | USA | troy.rasbury@stonybrook.edu | 6318483133 | Stony Brook University | Professor |
David | Rohr | Sul Ross State University | Alpine | TX | USA | drohr@sulross.edu | (432) 837-3790 | Sul Ross State University | Emeritus Professor of Geology |
Howard | Naslund | SUNY at Binghamton | Binghamton | NY | | naslund@binghamton.edu | (607) 777-4313 | SUNY at BinghamtonGeological Sciences | Professor |
Paul | Tomascak | SUNY College at Oswego | Oswego | NY | | tomascak@oswego.edu | (315) 312-2285 | SUNY Oswego | Professor |
David | Franzi | SUNY College at Plattsburgh | Chazy | NY | USA | franzida@plattsburgh.edu | | SUNY Plattsburgh | SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor, Emeritus |
Thomas | Hegna | SUNY Fredonia | Fredonia | NY | USA | hegna@fredonia.edu | (309) 333-8579 | SUNY Fredonia | Associate Professor |
Wentao | Cao | SUNY Fredonia | Fredonia | NY | USA | cao@fredonia.edu | (716) 673-3884 | SUNY Fredonia | Associate Professor |
Michael | Rygel | SUNY Potsdam | Potsdam | NY | | rygelmc@potsdam.edu | (315) 267-3401 | SUNY Potsdam, Dept. of Earth and Env. Sciences | Professor |
Steven | Schimmrich | SUNY Ulster | Stone Ridge | NY | | schimmrs@sunyulster.edu | (845) 687-7683 | SUNY Ulster STEM | Professor |
Ryan | Morgan | Tarleton State University | Chadron | NE | | rmorgan@csc.edu | (810) 938-5521 | Chadron State College | Dean, Graduate Studies and the School of Business, Math, and Science |
Steven | Terry | Tarrant County College - NE Ca | Fort Worth | TX | | steven.terry@tccd.edu | (817) 919-0970 | Tarrant County College District | Adjunct Instructor - Geology |
Michael | Guebert | Taylor University | Upland | IN | | mcguebert@taylor.edu | (765) 998-5332 | Taylor University Earth & Env Science | Professor |
Dennis | Terry | Temple University | Philadelphia | PA | | doterry@temple.edu | (215) 204-8226 | Temple University | Associate Professor |
Helge | Alsleben | Texas Christian University | Fort Worth | TX | | h.alsleben@tcu.edu | (817) 257-5455 | Texas Christian University, Department of Geological Sciences | Associate Professor |
Aaron | Yoshinobu | Texas Tech University | Lubbock | TX | | aaron.yoshinobu@ttu.edu | | Texas Tech University Dept Geosciences | Professor |
Yehouda | Enzel | The Hebrew University of Jerus | Jerusalem | | ISRAEL | yehouda.enzel@mail.huji.ac.il | +972-2-6584686 | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Earth Sciences | Professor |
Ozeas | Costa | The Ohio State University | Mansfield | OH | | costa.47@osu.edu | (419) 755-4128 | The Ohio State University | Professor |
Franklin | Heitmuller | The University of Southern MS | Hattiesburg | MS | | Franklin.Heitmuller@usm.edu | (601) 266-5423 | Univ. of Southern Mississippi School of BEES | Associate Professor |
Leah | Thompson | The University of Texas at Dallas | Richardson | TX | | leah.thompson@utdallas.edu | | UT Dallas | Academic Support Coordinator |
Nancy | Van Wagoner | Thompson Rivers University | Kamloops | BC | CANADA | n.vanwagoner@icloud.com | | Thompson Rivers University Physical Sciences | Professor |
Kosei | Yamaguchi | Toho University | Funabashi, Chiba | | JAPAN | kosei@chem.sci.toho-u.ac.jp | (047) 472-1210 | Department of Chemistry | Professor |
Takeshi | Kakegawa | Tohoku University | Aoba-ku | | JAPAN | kakegawa@tohoku.ac.jp | 81-22-795-6660 | Tohoku University - Aobayama Campus, Faculty of Science, Dept Geosciences | Professor |
Tatsuki | Tsujimori | Tohoku University | Sendai | | JAPAN | tatsukix@tohoku.ac.jp | +81-22-795-3614 | Tohoku University | Professor |
Ratschbacher | Lothar | TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Oberschoena | | GERMANY | lothar@geo.tu-freiberg.de | +491708163431 | TU Bergakademie Freiberg | Professor |
Arno | Kleber | TU Dresden | Dresden | | GERMANY | Arno.Kleber@tu-dresden.de | 49-3514636060 | Technische Universität Dresden, Geography Dept. | Full Professor |
Cynthia | Ebinger | Tulane University | New Orleans | LA | | cebinger@tulane.edu | (585) 355-7088 | Tulane University, Earth and Environmental Sciences | Professor |
Tara | Root | U.S. Geological Survey | Davie | FL | | troot@usgs.gov | (954) 401-3921 | U.S. Geological Survey | Hydrologist |
Jay | Sims | UALR | Little Rock | AR | | wmjaysims@gmail.com | (501) 413-9363 | UALR | Senior Instructor Emeritus |
Francis | Macdonald | UCSB | Berkeley | CA | USA | francism@berkeley.edu | (857) 998-9993 | UC Berkeley | Professor |
Andy | Bobyarchick | UNC Charlotte | Charlotte | NC | USA | andybobyarchick@charlotte.edu | | UNC Charlotte | Associate Professor |
Kurt | Hollocher | Union College | Schenectady | NY | | hollochk@union.edu | (518) 388-6518 | Union College, Geosciences Department | Professor of Geology, Emeritus |
James | Sears | Univ Montana (retired) | Missoula | MT | | james.sears@umontana.edu | (406) 274-0085 | University of Montana | Professor Emeritus |
Kevin | Ansdell | Univ Saskatchewan | Saskatoon | SK | CANADA | kevin.ansdell@usask.ca | (306) 966-5698 | Univ Saskatchewan, Dept Geological Sciences | Professor |
Brad | Singer | Univ. of Wisc.-Madison | MADISON | WI | | bsinger@wisc.edu | (262) 501-7733 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | Professor of Geoscience |
John | Luczaj | Univ. of Wisconsin - Green Bay | Green Bay | WI | | luczajj@uwgb.edu | (920) 465-5139 | University of Wisconsin - Green Bay | Professor |
Beth | Johnson | Univ. of Wisconsin-Oshkosh Fox | Appleton | WI | | johnsonba@uwosh.edu | (920) 832-2659 | Univ. of WI-Oshkosh, Fox Cities Campus | Professor |
Stephen | Lindberg | Univ. Pittsburgh Johnstown | Johnstown | PA | | slindber@pitt.edu | | Univ. Pittsburgh Johnstown | Adjunct Professor Geosciences |
Carlos | Fernandez | Universidad Complutense de Mad | Madrid | | SPAIN | cafern08@ucm.es | 34-9139-44864 | Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Dept Geodyn., Strat. & Paleont. | Professor |
Claudio | Gaucher | Universidad de la Republica | Montevideo | | URUGUAY | gaucher@startmail.com | 59825258618 | Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de Ciencias | Associate Professor |
Carlos | Gonzalez-Leon | Universidad Nacional Autóno | Hermosillo | SON | MEXICO | cmgleon@unam.mx | (662) 217-5019 | Instituto de GeologÃÂa, UNAM, Estación Regional del Noroeste | Researcher |
Alain | Tremblay | Universite du Quebec | Sherbrooke | QC | CANADA | tremblay.a@uqam.ca | 15146065502 | UQAM | Professor |
Jason | Briner | University at Buffalo - SUNY | Buffalo | NY | | jbriner@buffalo.edu | (716) 645-4326 | University at Buffalo | Professor |
Tracy | Gregg | University at Buffalo - SUNY | Buffalo | NY | | tgregg@buffalo.edu | (716) 645-4328 | University at Buffalo | Professor |
Charles | Mitchell | University at Buffalo, SUNY | Buffalo | NY | | cem@buffalo.edu | (716) 645-4290 | University at Buffalo, SUNY, Dept. of Geology | Emeritus Professor |
Kevin | Pickering | University College of London | London | | UNITED KINGDOM | ucfbktp@ucl.ac.uk | 07711807358 | University College London, Department of Earth Sciences | Professor in Sedimentology/Stratigraphy |
Harold | Stowell | University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa | AL | | hstowell@ua.edu | (205) 348-5098 | Univ Alabama - TuscaloosaDept Geol Sci | Professor |
Ibrahim | Cemen | University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa | AL | | icemen@ua.edu | (405) 762-9645 | University of AlabamaGeological Sciences Bevill Energy Bldg | Professor of Geology |
Lee | Munk | University of Alaska | Anchorage | AK | | lamunk@alaska.edu | (907) 786-6895 | Univ Alaska - AnchorageDept. of Geolog | Professor of Geological Sciences |
Benjamin | Rostron | University of Alberta | Edmonton | AB | CANADA | ben.rostron@ualberta.ca | (780) 492-2178 | University of Alberta, EAS | Emeritus Professor |
Joaquin | Ruiz | University of Arizona | Tucson | AZ | | jruiz@email.arizona.edu | (520) 621-4090 | Biosphere 2, Rm 1025 | VP Global Environmental Futures |
Stephen | Boss | University of Arkansas | Fayetteville | AR | | sboss@uark.edu | (479) 409-9857 | University of Arkansas | Prof. |
Kathleen | Campbell | University of Auckland | Auckland | | NEW ZEALAND | ka.campbell@auckland.ac.nz | (649) 923-7418 | University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019 | Professor |
Haakon | Fossen | University of Bergen | Bergen | | NORWAY | haakon.fossen@uib.no | 55583495 | University of Bergen | Professor |
William | Cavazza | University of Bologna | Bologna | | ITALY | william.cavazza@unibo.it | 39 051 209-4939 | University of Bologna, BIGEA | Professor |
James | Hawkins | University of California | San Diego | CA | | jancraven@aol.com | | | Geology Professor Emeritus |
Kenneth | Verosub | University of California | Davis | CA | | klverosub@ucdavis.edu | (530) 752-6911 | | Professor |
Peter | Sadler | University of California | Riverside | CA | | peter.sadler@ucr.edu | (951) 827-5616 | Univ California - Riverside, Earth Sciences | Professor of Geology |
Andrew | Czaja | University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati | OH | | andrew.czaja@uc.edu | (513) 556-3574 | University of Cincinnati, Department of Geosciences | Associate Professor |
Jean | Crespi | University of Connecticut | Storrs Mansfield | CT | | jean.crespi@uconn.edu | | Univ Connecticut Earth Sciences | Associate Professor |
Robert | Frei | University of Copenhagen | Copenhagen SV | | DENMARK | robertf@ign.ku.dk | 30623136 | Geoscience and Natural Resource Managm | Professor |
Tom | McKenna | University of Delaware | Newark | DE | | mckennat@udel.edu | (302) 831-2833 | University of Delaware, Del Geol Survey | Hydrogeologist |
Dorothy | Satterfield | University of Derby | Derby | | UNITED KINGDOM | d.satterfield@derby.ac.uk | 44-1332-591716 | University of Derby, Environmental Sciences | Senior Lecturer |
John | Jaeger | University of Florida | Gainesville | FL | | jmjaeger@ufl.edu | (352) 846-1381 | University of Florida | Associate Professor |
Daniel | Asiedu | University of Ghana | Legon | | GHANA | dasiedu@ug.edu.gh | +233243716895 | University of Ghana Dept. Earth Scienc, Dept. Earth Science | Professor |
Emmanuelle | Arnaud | University of Guelph | Guelph | ON | CANADA | earnaud@uoguelph.ca | (519) 824-4120, 58087 | Univ Guelph School of Environmental Sc | Associate Professor |
Kenna | Rubin | University of Hawaii at Manoa | North Kingstown | RI | USA | kenna.rubin@uri.edu | (808) 218-3801 | University of Rhode Island | Professor |
Tapani | Ramo | University of Helsinki | Helsinki | | FINLAND | tapani.ramo@helsinki.fi | 358-50-448-0223 | Univ Helsinki Geosciences | Professor |
Kenneth | Johnson | University of Houston-Downtown | Houston | TX | | johnsonk@uhd.edu | (713) 222-5375 | University of Houston-Downtown, Department of Natural Science | Associate Professor |
Roy | Plotnick | University of Illinois at Chic | Chicago | IL | | plotnick@uic.edu | (312) 996-2111 | U. of Illinois at Chicago Earth and En | Professor Emeritus |
Bradley | Cramer | University of Iowa | Iowa City | IA | | bradley-cramer@uiowa.edu | | University of Iowa Earth & Environmental Sciences | Professor |
J Douglas | Walker | University of Kansas | Lawrence | KS | | jdwalker@ku.edu | (785) 691-8783 | University of Kansas, Geology | Professor |
Luis | Gonzalez | University of Kansas | Lawrence | KS | | luis.a.gonzalez@ku.edu | | University of Kansas | Professor - Retired |
Marcia | Schulmeister | University of Kansas | Lawrence | KS | USA | mschulme@ku.edu | (913) 897-8426 | University of Kansas, Dept of Geology | Professor and Director |
Marina | Suarez | University of Kansas | Lawrence | KS | | mb.suarez@ku.edu | (785) 864-6036 | The University of Kansas | Associate Professor |
William | Last | University of Manitoba | Moncton | NB | CANADA | wm.last@ad.umanitoba.ca | (506) 855-9419 | | Professor Emeritus |
Nicholas | Schmerr | University of Maryland | College Park | MD | | nschmerr@umd.edu | (301) 405-4385 | University of Maryland | Associate Professor |
Daniel | Larsen | University of Memphis | Memphis | TN | | dlarsen@memphis.edu | 9016784358 | University of Memphis Earth Sciences | Professor |
Gary | Stinchcomb | University of Memphis | Memphis | TN | | gstnchcm@memphis.edu | (901) 678-5223 | University of Memphis | Assistant Professor |
James | Gleason | University of Michigan | Ann Arbor | MI | | jdgleaso@umich.edu | (734) 764-9523 | University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Dept Geol Sci, 2534 C C Little Bldg | Associate Research Scientist |
Howard | Mooers | University of Minnesota | Duluth | MN | USA | hmooers@d.umn.edu | (218) 390-0298 | University of Minnesota Duluth, Earth and Environmental Sciences | Professor Emeritus |
Joshua | Feinberg | University of Minnesota | Minneapolis | MN | | feinberg@umn.edu | (651) 500-5839 | University of Minnesota | Professor |
Brian | Platt | University of Mississippi | Oxford | MS | | bfplatt@olemiss.edu | (662) 915-7498 | University of Mississippi | Associate Professor |
Tina | Niemi | University of Missouri - KC | Kansas City | MO | | niemit@umkc.edu | | University of Missouri - Kansas City | Professor |
Sarah | Jacquet | University of Missouri-Columbi | Columbia | MO | | jacquets@missouri.edu | 15736070248 | University of Missouri | Assistant Professor |
Robert | Thomas | University of Montana Western | Dillon | MT | | rob.thomas@umwestern.edu | (406) 925-3946 | University of Montana Western, Environmental Sciences Department | Regents Professor of Geology |
Jonathan | Schueth | University of Nebraska Omaha | Omaha | NE | | jschueth@unomaha.edu | | University of Nebraska Omaha | Assistant Professor |
Rodney | Metcalf | University of Nevada Las Vegas | Albuquerque | NM | | metcalfr@unlv.nevada.edu | (702) 326-0978 | UNLV | Emeritus Professor |
Jo | Laird | University of New Hampshire | Durham | NH | | jo.laird@unh.edu | (603) 862-3140 | Univ New Hampshire, Dept Earth Sciences | Associate Professor |
R Laurence | Davis | University of New Haven | Concord | NH | | rldavis@newhaven.edu | | University of New Haven | Professor Emeritus |
Martin | Farley | University of North Carolina | Pembroke | NC | | mbfarley@alumni.psu.edu | (910) 521-6478 | Univ North Carolina - Pembroke, Geology | Professor |
Todd | LaMaskin | University of North Carolina | Wilmington | NC | | lamaskint@uncw.edu | (541) 517-9322 | University of North Carolina | Associate Professor Emeritus |
Jacob | Yates | University of North Dakota | San Diego | CA | | jacob.yates@und.edu | | University of North Dakota | |
Charles | Ferring | University of North Texas | Denton | TX | | reidferring@gmail.com | (940) 367-7295 | University of North Texas | Professor emeritus |
Emmett | Evanoff | University of Northern CO | Longmont | CO | | emmettevanoff@earthlink.net | (303) 485-3854 | University of Northern Colorado | Associate Professor |
Timothy | Grover | University of Northern Colorad | Greeley | CO | | timothy.grover@unco.edu | (970) 351-2398 | University of Northern Colorado | Professor |
Clive | Neal | University of Notre Dame | Notre Dame | IN | | neal.1@nd.edu | (574) 631-8328 | Univ Notre Dame, Dept Civil & Env Eng & Earth Sciences | Professor |
Shannon | Dulin | University of Oklahoma | Norman | OK | | sdulin@ou.edu | (405) 471-4816 | University of Oklahoma | Assistant Professor |
Reto | Giere | University of Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | PA | USA | giere@upenn.edu | | University of Pennsylvania | Professor |
Carlo | Baroni | University of Pisa, Italy | Pisa | | ITALY | carlo.baroni@unipi.it | ++39-050-2215731 | Univ Pisa, Dept Scienze della Terra | Full Professor |
Charles | Jones | University of Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh | PA | | cejones@pitt.edu | (412) 624-6347 | Univ Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh, Dept Geology & Environmental Science | Senior Lecturer |
Derek | Rust | University of Portsmouth | Portsmouth | | UNITED KINGDOM | derek.rust@port.ac.uk | 44-2392-842298 | University of Portsmouth, School of Earth Sciences | Reader in Applied Geology |
Michael | Valentine | University of Puget Sound | Tacoma | WA | USA | mvalentine@pugetsound.edu | (253) 879-3129 | Univ Puget Sound, Dept Geology- CMB 1048 | Professor |
Jonathan | Aitchison | University of Queensland | St Lucia | QLD | AUSTRALIA | jona@uq.edu.au | | University of QueenslandSchool of Earth and Environmental Sci | Professor |
Franz | Neubauer | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | | AUSTRIA | franz.neubauer@plus.ac.at | 43-662-8044-5405 | Univ Salzburg, Dept. Geography and Geology | Professor emeritus |
David | Allison | University of South Alabama | Mobile | AL | | dallison@southalabama.edu | (251) 460-6381 | | Associate Professor |
Andrew | Leier | University of South Carolina | Columbia | SC | | aleier@geol.sc.edu | (803) 777-9941 | University of South Carolina | Associate Professor |
Paul | Doss | University of Southern Indiana | Evansville | IN | | pdoss@usi.edu | (812) 465-7132 | Univ of Southern Indiana Dept of Geology | Professor of Geology |
Tony | Prave | University of St Andrews | St Andrews | | UNITED KINGDOM | ap13@st-andrews.ac.uk | +44-1334-462381 | University of St Andrews, School of Earth and Environ. Sciences | Professor |
Christopher | Fedo | University of Tennessee | Knoxville | TN | | cfedo@utk.edu | (865) 974-6002 | University of Tennessee, Earth & Planetary Sciences | Professor |
Michael | Gibson | University of Tennessee | Martin | TN | USA | mgibson3@utm.edu | (737) 881-7435 | University of Tennessee at Martin | Professor of Geology |
Amy | Brock-Hon | University of Tennessee at Cha | Chattanooga | TN | | amy-brock-hon@utc.edu | (435) 425-4409 | Univ Tennessee - Chattanooga | Professor |
Robert | Stern | University of Texas - Dallas | | | USA | rjstern@utdallas.edu | (214) 284-4701 | Univ Texas - DallasDept Geosciences- M | Professor |
Majie | Fan | University of Texas at Arlingt | Arlington | TX | | mfan@uta.edu | (817) 272-9092 | University of Texas at Arlington | Associate Professor |
Juan | Gonzalez | University of Texas Rio Grande | Edinburg | TX | | juan.l.gonzalez@utrgv.edu | (956) 665-3523 | University of Texas Rio Grande ValleyS | Professor |
Lydia | Fox | University of the Pacific | Stockton | CA | | lkfox@pacific.edu | (209) 946-2481 | University of the Pacific | Chair/Associate Professor |
Donald | Potter | University of the South | Sewanee | TN | | bpotter@sewanee.edu | | University of the South, Dept Earth and Environmental Systems | Professor, retired |
Bryan | Tapp | University of Tulsa | Tulsa | OK | | jbt@utulsa.edu | (918) 631-3018 | The University of Tulsa, Dept of Geosciences | Professor Emeritus |
Dennis | Kerr | University of Tulsa | Tulsa | OK | | dennis-kerr@utulsa.edu | | University of Tulsa | Professor Emeritus Geosciences |
Peter | Lippert | University of Utah | Salt Lake City | UT | | pete.lippert@utah.edu | (831) 247-6767 | University of Utah, Department of Geology & Geophysics | Associate Professor |
Juliet | Crider | University of Washington | Seattle | WA | USA | criderj@uw.edu | (206) 543-8715 | University of Washington | Associate Professor |
Norman | Duke | University of Western Ontario | London | ON | CANADA | nduke@uwo.ca | (519) 661-3199 | Univ Western Ontario, Dept Earth Sciences | Professor Emeritus |
Norman | Lasca | University of Wisconsin | Shorewood, | WI | | nplasca@uwm.edu | (414) 229-4561 | | Professor Emeritus |
J Brian | Mahoney | University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire | Eau Claire | WI | | mahonejb@outlook.com | (715) 829-5642 | University of Wisconsin Eau Claire | Professor |
Dyanna | Czeck | University of Wisconsin-Milwau | Milwaukee | WI | | dyanna@uwm.edu | (414) 229-3948 | University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee | Professor |
Philippe | Masson | University Paris - Saclay | Milon-la-Chapelle | | FRANCE | massonph2@orange.fr | | | Professor |
Miles | Henderson | UT Permian Basin | Odessa | TX | | henderson_m@utpb.edu | 7706701124 | The University of Texas Permian Basin | Associate Professor |
Thomas | Lachmar | Utah State University | Logan | UT | | tom.lachmar@gmail.com | (435) 797-1247 | Utah State Univ Geosciences Dept | Assc Professor |
Yongli | Gao | UTSA | San Antonio | TX | | yongli.gao@utsa.edu | (210) 458-7029 | University of Texas at San AntonioDept | Associate Professor |
Lily | Claiborne | Vanderbilt University | Nashville | TN | | lily.claiborne@vanderbilt.edu | (615) 343-4515 | | Senior Lecturer |
Brian | DiBartolo | Victor Valley College | Highland | CA | | brian.dibartolo@vvc.edu | (442) 229-0525 | Victor Valley College | Faculty - Geography and the Geosciences |
Madeline | Schreiber | Virginia Tech | Blacksburg | VA | | mschreib@vt.edu | | Virginia Tech | Professor |
Christopher | Connors | Washington & Lee University | Lexington | VA | | connorsc@wlu.edu | 5404588514 | Washington & Lee Univ. | Professor |
Glenn | Osburn | Washington University | Kirkwood | MO | | osburn@levee.wustl.edu | 3142103012 | Washington University | Laboratory Administrator |
David | Voorhees | Waubonsee Community College | Sugar Grove | IL | | dvoorhees@waubonsee.edu | (630) 466-2783 | Waubonsee Community College | Professor of Earth Science & Geology |
Tim | Walsh | Wayland Baptist University | Enid | OK | | walsht@wbu.edu | (806) 291-1123 | Wayland University | Professor |
Suzanne | OConnell | Wesleyan University | Middletown | CT | | soconnell@wesleyan.edu | (860) 754-4493 | Wesleyan University | Professor |
Daria | Nikitina | West Chester University | West Chester | PA | | dnikitina@wcupa.edu | (610) 436-3103 | West Chester UniversityEarth and Space | Professor |
Amy | Weislogel | West VirginiaUniversity | Morgantown | WV | | amy.weislogel@mail.wvu.edu | (304) 293-6721 | West Virginia University | Associate Professor |
Blair | Tormey | Western Carolina University | Cullowhee | NC | | btormey@wcu.edu | (828) 227-2536 | Western Carolina University | Coastal Research Scientist |
M. Royhan | Gani | Western Kentucky University | Bowling Green | KY | | royhan.gani@wku.edu | (270) 745-5977 | Western Kentucky University, Earth, Environ, & Atmospheric Sciences | Professor |
Jeffrey | Templeton | Western Oregon University | Monmouth | OR | | templej@wou.edu | (503) 838-8858 | Western Oregon University Dept of Earth & Environmental Science | Professor |
Tiffany | Rivera | Westminster College | Columbia | MO | USA | trivera@missouri.edu | | University of Missouri | Assistant Professor |
Nicholas | Bader | Whitman College | Walla Walla | WA | USA | baderne@whitman.edu | (509) 527-5113 | Whitman College | Associate Professor |
Scott | Pike | Willamette University | Salem | OR | | spike@willamette.edu | (503) 370-6587 | Willamette University | Professor |
Candace | Kairies-Beatty | Winona State University | Winona | MN | | ckairiesbeatty@winona.edu | | Winona State University Department of Geoscience | Professor |
Lidya | Tarhan | Yale University | New Haven | CT | | lidya.tarhan@yale.edu | (847) 544-8757 | Yale University | Assistant Professor |
Nazrul | Khandaker | York College-CUNY | Jamaica | NY | USA | nkhandaker@york.cuny.edu | (718) 262-2079 | York College-CUNY | Professor |