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Figure 3
Figure 3.

(A) Analytical and numerical predicted diapir spacing vs. the thickness of the lower density lower layer (Hm) for different viscosity contrasts (R), plotted with hinterland and foreland metamorphic core complex spacing (±1σ) and estimated Hm (±5 km) (from B). (B) Estimates of lower-layer thickness (above ~700 °C), assuming ~800 °C Moho, for the hinterland (Hmh), thin foreland (Hmf), or thick, cold (~750 °C Moho) foreland (Hmf cold). See text for explanation. Numerical models of partial melting confirm relative thickness differences (Supplemental Fig. 2 [see text footnote 1]). (C) Tradeoff between R and Hm for the Selig (1965) curve, with observed spacing contours emphasized.

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