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Figure 2
Figure 2.

(A) Metamorphic core complexes (MCCs) in the hinterland and foreland of the Sevier thrust front in the North American Cordillera. Right graph shows NAVDAT volcanic (black) and potassic rocks (red), MCC and regional extension timing constraints (Supplemental Material [see text footnote 1]), and reconstructed triple-junction formation (square) and migration (arrows). (B, C) Plate reconstructions of Oligocene western North America (Clennett et al., 2020). Hinterland MCCs initiate prior to triple-junction formation and migration, decoupled from these tectonic events, whereas the foreland MCCs develop during triple-junction migration and slab-window development. ARG—Albion–Raft River–Grouse Creek; bt—biotite; ms—muscovite.

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