Online Format Meeting
Thomas County, Georgia. Photo: Chuck Hemard
Chewacla Falls, Moore's Creek, Chewacla State Park, Lee County, Alabama. Photo
credit: Alan Cressler, flickr
The 2021 Southeastern Section Meeting will be hosted by Auburn University with a fully online format. The
technical program for the 70th SEGSA will be exceptionally broad and diverse, with topics ranging from
planetary geology and Earth’s origins to resilience in the context of environmental hazards and future
strategies to mitigate climate change. The online format will allow maximum participation for all
registrants and our generous meeting sponsors while increasing the scope of scientific content for
symposia, technical sessions, field trips, and short courses — and most importantly, ensuring safety.
The meeting will be rich with its emphasis of geoscience education, with a strong emphasis on field
instruction and student safety, and it will offer many opportunities for student participation and
career mentoring.
We look forward to your participation, either as a presenter or an attendee, in this long-awaited
meeting. Registration fees for all participants include full access to all field trips and short