2019 GSA Southeastern Section

68th Annual Meeting

Southeastern Hospitality in the GeosciencesFrom Ancient Systems to Modern Resiliency

28–29 March | Charleston, South Carolina


  1. Earthquakes, Sea-Level Rise, and Fossils, Oh My … Earth Science Issues from the Lowcountry to Engage Your K–12 Students.
    Sat., 30 Mar., 9 a.m.–noon. Cost: Free. Maximum 25 participants.
    Cosponsored by the GSA Geology and Society Division.
    Cynthia Hall, College of Charleston; Erin Beutel, College of Charleston; Sarah Michalies, College of Charleston; Cass Runyon, College of Charleston.
    Description: Engage in local issues to excite your students in problem solving. From engineering structures to withstand earthquakes, like that of the 1886 Charleston one, to designing solutions for a community in the path of sea level rise, to understanding changing environments by looking at local transition fossils, educators will get a solid foundation in content, while developing integration strategies.

  2. Field Geophysics Using ABEM WalkTEM, ABEM Terrameter, and Mala Ground-Penetrating Radar.
    Sat., 30 Mar., 9 a.m.–noon. Cost: Free.
    Amber Onufer, Guideline Geo (ABEM and Mala); Per Westhom, Guideline Geo.
    Description: A presentation on basic theory and application followed by field demonstration of resistivity, time-domain EM, and ground penetrating radar. Highlighting the applications and functionality of each, we plan to use each system to gather data at a local site for evaluation.

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Abstracts Due:
4 December

Early Registration Ends:
19 February

Hotel Deadline:
26 February
5 p.m., Eastern Time