South-Central Section

View the Meeting Program


Use this web-based app to view technical sessions, abstracts, and events for this meeting, create a schedule for yourself, locate presenting authors, make notes for yourself, and more.

Information for Presenters

Oral Presentations

Computers and assistance are available in the Speaker Ready Room to view presentations. All presentations are displayed as PowerPoint presentations in technical sessions, and presentations should be prepared using a 16:9 screen ratio. The Speaker Ready Room can also be used to check presentations prior to uploading files. We ask that oral presenters upload their presentations the night prior for morning sessions, and at least 2 hours prior to the beginning of their session for afternoon sessions. Monday morning speakers should upload their talks by 7 am on the same day.

Speaker Ready Room

The Speaker Ready Room is located in Room 200 in the Conference Center, and is available at the following times:

Sunday, 8 March: 3–7 p.m.
Monday, 9 March: 6:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, 10 March: 6:30 a.m.–3 p.m.

Poster Presentations

Each poster board is 5 feet x 3.5 feet (landscape), and posters can be hung with removable mounting strips. Removable mounting strips will be available in the exhibit hall. Posters will be located in the Ballroom B adjacent to the exhibitors. Presenters are expected to have their posters up by 8:30 am, and they are expected to be present at their posters from 3 to 5 p.m. for posters in sessions that take place on Monday and Tuesday. Presenters should take down their posters at the end of the session. Any posters not taken down will be discarded.

Session Chair Orientations

Each Session Chair is requested to attend a 15 minute “Session Chairs Orientation” held in Room 201A from 7–7:15 a.m. on the morning of the day on which your session is to take place. This meeting will include a review of session time management, AV procedures, and other information affecting the conduct of the day’s sessions. Session chairs are asked to strictly adhere to the technical program schedule and to limit speakers to their allotted time. If a speaker does not appear for an assigned time slot, session chairs should call a break or discussion period and begin the following presentation at its scheduled time. A student volunteer is assigned to each oral session. Session chairs are asked to meet with the assigned student volunteer before the start of the session. The volunteers are there to help the sessions run smoothly and to contact the AV Coordinator in the event of technical problems.

Theme Sessions

Please direct questions related to the following sessions to the Technical Program co-chairs, Xiangyang Xie,, or Arne Winguth,

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Abstracts Due:
3 December

Early Registration Ends:
3 February

Hotel Deadline:
17 February