2025 Cordilleran Section Meeting

121st Annual Meeting of the Cordilleran Section

1–4 April 2025

Holiday Inn Sacramento
Sacramento, California, USA

Welcome Reception 1 April 2025. Technical program starts 2 April 2025.

Submit Your Proposal for Theme Sessions, Field Trips, and Short Courses

Deadline: 31 July 2024

About the Meeting

Get ready for the 121st GSA Cordilleran Section meeting in Sacramento, California, USA! Sacramento, located on the land of the Nisenan people, is rooted in history as the heart of the 1849 Gold Rush and terminus of the transcontinental railroad. Today, as California’s capital and the “City of Trees,” it is at the center of our discussion on how to manage our limited geologic and hydrological resources.

Sacramento lies at the intersection of rock, water, and society. To the east lies the majestic Sierra Nevada, with its granite batholith intruding ancient island arcs, deeply incised canyons holding massive reservoirs, and the environmental legacy of gold mining. To the west is the Coast Range, built from ophiolite and subducted rock, cut by the active faults of the San Andreas system, and now generating geothermal energy from recent volcanism. The city itself, build on the floodplain of the Sacramento River, is now safeguarded by dams and levees that channel millions of gallons of water into the Delta and onward into the California Aqueduct.

We hope that this meeting will serve as a forum where academia, government, the private sector, and geoscience enthusiasts can come together to discuss the earth and society. We especially encourage students from community college through graduate school, along with their future employers, to attend.

Local Committee

Meeting General Chair
David Shimabukuro, Sacramento State, dhs@csus.edu
Technical Program Chairs
Steve Skinner, Sacramento State, steven.skinner@csus.edu
Sarah Roeske, UC Davis, smroeske@ucdavis.edu
Field Trip Chairs
Kurt Burmeister, Sacramento State, k.burmeister@csus.edu
John Wakabayashi, Fresno State, jwakabayashi@csufresno.edu
Student Volunteer and Education Chair
Theron Sowers, Sacramento State,theron.sowers@csus.edu