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                                                                                            Figure 4. (A) 125 Ma pre-breakup
                                                                                            plate reconstruction of Canada Basin
                                                                                            (CB). (B) 80 Ma reconstruction. Note
                                                                                            that CB is not linked with the Atlantic.
                                                                                            ChB—Chukchi Borderlands; LS—
                                                                                            Labrador Sea. For details, see Doré
                                                                                            et al. (2016).

                                               Figure 5. (A) Schematic illustration of classic back-arc basin
                                               experiencing trench-parallel extension. (B and C) Back-arc
                                               basin opening at high angle to the trench. The latter repre-
                                               sents, for example, the Gulf of Mexico and the Canada Basin,
                                               and reveals why such basins are prone to confinement; these
                                               small oceans are surrounded by continental crust. EP—Euler
                                               pole. Preexisting Late Paleozoic sutures are shown schemat-
                                               ically with a purple hatched pattern and are interpreted to
                                               have caused weaknesses that were exploited. Modified after
                                               Heuret and Lallemand (2005).

  Early Cretaceous confinement events          Backman and Moran, 2009). During this        mechanism of formation. These simi-
include the organic-rich Barremian Pebble      interval, the Arctic Ocean was a very        larities are as follows:
Shale and Gamma Ray Zone of the Hue            large isolated freshwater tract with pro-    1. 	 The overall geometry of the basins,
Shale, which were deposited immediately        lific growth of the freshwater fern Azolla.
following Canada Basin break-up. These         Bujak and Bujak (2014) write that, at this        characterized by a triangular shape
source rocks are observed to become richer     time, the Arctic Ocean was an isolated,           and high angle of rotation (~70°);
toward the Canada Basin (Bird and              silled basin analogous to today’s Black      2. 	 Their location in a back-arc setting
Houseknecht, 2011). In the Late                Sea. Paleogene organic-rich shales near           relative to the subducting
Cretaceous, the Arctic Ocean connected         the North Pole reported by Stein (2007),          paleo-Pacific;
with the North American Western Interior       and the Aklak, Taglu, Richards, and          3. 	 Their resultant spreading ridges
Seaway (Arthur and Sageman, 2004), but         Kugmalit Paleogene prodelta source rock           trending almost normal to the arc,
significant local restriction is indicated by  intervals in the Mackenzie Delta (e.g.,           i.e., approximately in the subduc-
the organic-rich shales of the Smoking Hills,  Brooks, 1986), also suggest clastic input         tion direction, albeit with the rift
Boundary Creek, and Kanguk Formations,         into a confined basin with episodic water         tips and opposing transform mar-
which constitute important source rocks        stratification and anoxia.                        gins reversed for the two basins
(e.g., Houseknecht and Bird, 2011).                                                              (Fig. 1); and
                                               DISCUSSION                                   4. 	 Their position at the intersection,
  An indisputable period of basin con-                                                           along the paleo-Pacific margin, of
finement is marked by the early Eocene           Empirical similarities between the              North America with other major
Azolla event (ca. 50 Ma) discovered by         Gulf of Mexico and the Canada Basin               Pangean cratonic masses to the north
the Arctic Coring Expedition (e.g.,            suggest a causal relationship and a similar       (Siberia) and south (South America).

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