Publication Fees

The Geological Society of America publishes scientific papers on all aspects of geology. Manuscripts in any research field of geology are considered for publication by GSA, especially if the papers are useful in more than one field. Those that discuss principles are generally preferred to detailed areal studies, many of which are more appropriate to state, provincial, or university publications. Do not submit papers that have been submitted, accepted, or published elsewhere.

Publication Fees at a Glance

APC (article processing charge)
per accepted paper*
Gold Open Access
Color figure costs Length restrictions
Geology US$1,750
GSA Members: US$1,550
GSA Members: US$2,300
Free See note#
GSA Bulletin US$2,800
GSA Members: US$2,600
GSA Members: US$2,300
Free None
Books Free US$2,800
GSA Members: US$2,300
1 Free color page; US$100
for each additional color page
GSA Today
(100% Open Access)
Free n.a. Free 7 typeset pages
(100% Open Access)
GSA Members: US$1,550
US$2,750 (CC-BY)
GSA Members: US$2,500 (CC-BY)
Free None

*Authors who are unable to pay the APC (article processing charge) may apply for a waiver.
See GSA's Open Access policy for complete information.
§Geology authors who pay for Gold Open Access won't be assessed the APC.
#Geology sizing: (1) A character count with spaces (in Microsoft Word) of no more than 18,500 characters for the title, author names, affiliations, abstract, main text, Acknowledgments, and figure captions (the References Cited list does not need to be counted). (2) Up to 35 references in the References Cited list.
**This is in addition to the mandatory publication fee for GSA Bulletin.