GSA Today Article Submissions

Getting Started

SAVE TIME: Before you go online, please gather the following information:

  • Your username and password (or start a new account). Contact if you need help with this step.
  • Names, affiliations, phone numbers, and email addresses of all authors (you may use the eJournal Press search feature to see if your coauthor is already in the review system).
  • Manuscript files in Word or rich text format.
  • Figure files. These can be your original figures, such as .ai, .psd., and .eps, or, if file size is an issue, for review purposes only, you can upload them as low-resolution PDF or .jpg files. Figures should be in order and clearly labeled.
  • Table files (in Word, Excel, or .csv ).
  • Check your article's length (with figures included). Articles that are too long (more than six GSA Today pages) will be returned for shortening.
  • Articles must be original and not published elsewhere.
  • GSA Today does not accept simultaneous submissions.

Online Process

The submission & review platform will guide you through through the process of uploading basic information and files. Depending on your connection speed, it may take some time for the system to upload your files, even after you receive a dialog box stating the files have been uploaded. You do not need to click on "submit manuscript files" again. For details, follow the "author instructions" link on the site or contact the managing editor at


  • If you are asked to submit a revised manuscript, please do so under the original manuscript number (follow the link in the acceptance e-mail). Do not submit your revision as a new manuscript.
  • Once your paper is accepted, please send the final versions of your text and figures (as separate files), along with a cover image and caption, to the managing editor at Figures should be sent as .eps files as well as the original file format in which they were created.
  • Papers are copyedited, and the first author will have a chance to review both the copyedited version and the typeset proof.
  • Supplemental data may be included in GSA's online data repository; however, the repository is not to be used as additional space to convey the article's message.