Field Experiences

Short-Term Field Opportunities

NPS Scientists in Parks

SIP logo

 Winter 2024–2025 applications closed. We occasionally offer opportunities outside the summer and winter seasons. Check for new projects.

Scientists in Parks provides immersive, science-related, career-building experiences in partnership with the National Park Service.


GeoCorps™ America

GeoCorps America logo

 Summer 2024 applications closed. We occasionally offer opportunities outside the summer season. Check for new projects.

Trying to apply for a project? We recommend logging into the application first and adding projects from there.

GeoCorps America is a program of the Geological Society of America that partners with the Bureau of Land Management and USDA Forest Service to offer short-term, paid geoscience opportunities on federal lands.


Grants and Scholarships


J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarships

Application deadline: 22 March 2024

This award is for undergraduate students to attend summer field camp. Students will be awarded $2,000 each to attend the field camp of their choice based on diversity, economic/financial need, and merit.

Geology Field Camps 2024


IGC Travel Grants

37th International Geological Congress (IGC) Student and Early Career Scientists Travel Grant Mentoring Program

Application deadline: 10 April 2024

This award is for students and early career professionals (within seven years of receiving their last degree). To be eligible, applicants must be residents or citizens of the U.S. and be enrolled in, or employed at, a U.S. institution.


Special Addition for J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarship Awardees

Brunton will give each awardee an engraved Gold Standard Transit with the special 130th anniversary tag.


More Field Camp Awards & Scholarships

GSA Field Camp Excellence Award

The GSA Field Camp Excellence Award will not be offered in 2024.

GSA/ExxonMobil Bighorn Basin Field Award

The Bighorn Basin Field Award will not be offered in 2024.


Other Field Programs


Let the Earth be Your Teacher

The very first EarthCache ("EarthCache I" [GCHFT2]) was placed by user "geoaware" on 10 Jan. 2004 on a headland in New South Wales, Australia. Since then, more than 6.3 million people have logged visits to EarthCache sites, and the number is growing exponentially. GSA is very proud to be part of the exciting geocaching community and hope we can continue to add value and wonderful Earth science experiences through the EarthCache program.