Title (in alpha order by the Rock
Star's last name) |
Published |
Mary Anning: She Sold (Fossil) Sea
Shells by the Seashore
Renee Clary
May 2019, p. 62–63 |
A Life of Firsts: Florence
Jill S. Schneiderman
July 1997, p. 8–9 |
Etheldred Benett (1776–1845): The Lady was a Geologist
Renee M. Clary
July 2023, p. 32–33 |
Norman L. Bowen: The Experimental
Approach to Petrology
H.S. Yoder Jr.
May 1998, p. 10–11 |
John Casper Branner (1850–1922): Rock Star in Two Countries
William R. Brice
July 2022, p. 36–37 |
J Harlen Bretz (1882–1981): Outrageous Geological Hypothesizer
Victor R. Baker
May 2022, p. 50–51 |
Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin
Robert H. Dott Jr.
Oct. 2006, p. 30–31 |
Preston Cloud: Peripatetic
J. Thomas Dutro. Jr.
Aug. 1999, p. 16–17 |
Reginald Aldworth Daly
(1871–1957): Eclectic Theoretician of
the Earth
James H. Natland
Feb. 2006, p. 24–26 |
James Dwight Dana (1813–1895):
Mineralogist, Zoologist, Geologist,
James H. Natland
Feb. 2003, p. 20–21 |
Henry Darcy (1803–1858): Founder
of Quantitative Hydrogeology
Patricia Bobeck
February 2022, p. 20–21 |
Darwin the Geologist
Léo F. Laporte
Dec. 1996, p. 8–10 |
George Mercer Dawson: Pioneer Explorer
of Western Canada
Charles H. Smith
Aug. 2002, p. 16–17 |
John William (Sir William) Dawson:
Geologist and Educator
Susan Sheets-Pyenson
Sept. 1998, p. 14–15 |
Robert Dietz: From Ocean Floor Mapping to Chasing Meteorite Impacts
Rasoul Sorkhabi and Steven N. Koppes
February 2023, p. 18–19 |
Kenneth Orris Emery (1914–1998):
Pioneer Marine Geologist
Donn S. Gorsline and Kelvin S. Rodolfo
Nov. 2003, p. 18–19 |
William Maurice Ewing: Pioneer Explorer
of the Ocean Floor and Architect of
William Wertenbaker
Oct. 2000, p. 28–29 |
Robert M. Garrels (1916–1988): Pioneer
of Modern-Day Sedimentary Geochemistry and
Geochemical Cycling
Fred T. Mackenzie |
Oct. 2007, p. 25–27 |
Robert Minard Garrels
Lee R. Kump |
Feb. 2016, p. 20–21 |
Archibald Geikie (1835-1924): A Pioneer Scottish Geologist, Teacher, and
Rasoul Sorkhabi |
June 2020, p. 34–36 |
Model Survey Geologist: G. K.
Joanne Bourgeois
Feb. 1998, p. 16–17 |
Nevertheless, She Persisted: Winifred Goldring
Renee M. Clary
Nov. 2023, p. 18–19 |
Charles Frederick Hartt — A
Pioneer of Brazilian Geology
William R. Brice and Silvia F. de M.
Mar. 2003, p. 18–19 |
Dr. Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden:
150 Years after Yellowstone
Jacob O. Thacker
Dec. 2021, p. 20–21 |
Arthur Holmes: An Ingenious
Cherry L.E. Lewis
Mar. 2002, p. 16–17 |
Lou Henry Hoover (1874–1944):
An Independent Woman of Action
Joanne Bourgeois
Oct. 2021, p. 48–50 |
Clarence King: Pioneering Geologist of
the West
K.R. Aalto
Feb. 2004, p. 18–19 |
Andrew Cowper Lawson (1861–1952):
How a Boy from Canada Became a Legendary
Professor of Geology at
Gerard V. Middleton
Apr./May 2006, p. 50–51 |
Sir William Edmond Logan, Father of
Canadian Geology: His Passion Was
Charles H. Smith
May 2000, p. 22–23 |
A Scientist Concerned About Society:
Kirtley F. Mather
Kennard B. Bork
July 1996,
p. 8–10 |
Grand Vision of Edwin D.
Earle E. Spamer
Nov. 1999, p. 18–19 |
Hugh Miller (18021856): Scottish
Geologist, Popular Writer, and National
Kevin Ray Evans
June 2019, p. 36–37 |
Raymond Cecil Moore: A Great 20th
Century Geological
Daniel F. Merriam
Aug. 2003, p. 16–18 |
David Dale Owen (1807-1860): Frontier Geologist
William Elliott
Aug. 2021,
p. 20–21. |
The Lady and Her Fossils: Katherine Van Winkle Palmer (1895-1982)
William R. Brice
Aug. 2020, p. 20–21 |
Israel Cook Russell
K.R. Aalto
Feb. 2009, p. 14–15 |
Francis Parker Shepard,
Joseph R. Curray
Dec. 2001, p. 20–21 |
Eugene M. Shoemaker and the Integration
of Earth and Sky
Mary G. Chapman
Apr. 2001, p. 20–21 |
George Gaylord Simpson
Léo F. Laporte
Sept. 2004, p. 16–17 |
William “Strata”
Hugh Torrens
Sept. 2015, p. 38–40 |
Laurence L. Sloss and the Sequence
Stratigraphy Revolution
Robert H. Dott Jr.
Mar. 2014, p. 24–26 |
Marie Tharp—Plate Tectonics
Hali Felt
June 2017,
p. 32–33. |
W.H. Twenhofel: Patriarch of Sedimentary
R.H. Dott Jr.
July 2001, p. 16–17 |
Formative Years of the Scientific Career
of T. Wayland Vaughan
Robert N. Ginsburg
Nov. 1995,
p. 233–234 |
Explorer of Mountains, Minerals, and Global
Ecosystems: Alexander von Humboldt
Michael T. May
November 2022, p. 30–31 |
From Farmer-Laborer to Famous Leader:
Charles D. Walcott
Ellis L. Yochelson
Jan. 1996,
p. 8–9 |
Johannes Walther (1860–1937): More
than the law of facies
Eberhard Gischler
Aug. 2011, p. 12–13 |
David White (1862–1935): Pioneer
in Coal, Petroleum, and Paleobotanical
Paul C. Lyons and Elsie D. Morey
June 2006, p. 54–55 |
The Father of Modern Volcanology: Howel
Williams (1898–1980)
Alexander R. McBirney
Aug. 2000, p. 26–27 |
J. Tuzo Wilson
Derek York
Sept. 2001, p. 24–25 |