GSA International Travel Grants
GSA International 2025 Travel Grant
To apply for the GSA International 2025 Travel Grant:
You will be asked to fill out an online resume/application and upload a cover letter. This cover letter
needs to include (among other items detailed in the application) the title, author list, and draft text for
the abstract you plan to submit for 2025 Connects. Applicants who intend to submit an official abstract in a
timely fashion and present their research in person will be considered for travel grants.
The deadline for applications is 10 March 2025.
GSA International management board members intend to let applicants know
about their status (successful or not) by mid-April 2025.
Connects 2025 meeting will be held in San Antonio, Texas, USA, as an in-person meeting, with some
on-demand content available for purchasing after the event is over. Please check U.S. visa regulations before
traveling to the U.S.
Information on the GSA International Travel Grants:
The GSA International Travel Grants are awarded annually. Applicants do not need to be members of the GSA
or GSA International to apply (although it is preferred). Successful applicants must reside outside of
North America, and they must present their research at the GSA meeting to be eligible to receive the grant funds
via wire
transfer after the meeting.
The GSA International Travel Grants are limited, both in number of awards and in allocations. It is
highly recommended that you seek local funding to offset the cost of attending the GSA Connects annual
meeting. Please bear in mind that the GSA seeks student volunteers to aid in registration and other
meeting related activities, and selected students will receive registration waivers. The call for
student volunteers will come from within the GSA Meetings Department.
Please contact:
Ester Sztein
Director of International Programs
Anishma Acharya
Administrative Coordinator - DC Office
Christopher I. and Irene N. Chalokwu Travel Grant for Students in Africa: 2025
To apply for the Christopher I. and Irene N. Chalokwu Travel Grant:
You will be asked to fill out an online resume/application and upload a cover letter. This cover letter
needs to include (among other items detailed in the application) the title, author list, and draft text for
the abstract you plan to submit for 2025 Connects. Applicants who intend to submit an official abstract in a
timely fashion and present their research in person will be considered for travel grants.
The purpose of the Fund is to support undergraduate or graduate student travel for students in
Africa, working on any aspect of African Geology, to attend and present their research at GSA’s
annual meeting.
The deadline for applications is 10 March 2025.
GSA International management board members intend to let applicants know
about their status (successful or not) by mid-April 2025.
Connects 2025 meeting will be held in San Antonio, Texas, USA. It is an in-person* meeting (*posters must
be presented in-person). Please check U.S. visa regulations before traveling to the U.S.
Information on the Christopher I. and Irene N. Chalokwu Travel Grant
The Christopher I. and Irene N. Chalokwu Travel Grant will be awarded annually. Applicants do
not need to be members of GSA or GSA International to apply (although it is preferred). Successful
applicants must reside in Africa**, and they must present their research at the GSA meeting to be
eligible to receive the grant funds via a bank transfer after the event. Please bear in mind that the GSA seeks
volunteers to aid in registration and other meeting related activities, and selected students will
receive registration waivers. The call for student volunteers will come from within the GSA Meetings
Department. The Christopher I. and Irene N. Chalokwu Travel Grant is limited, both in number of awards
and in allocation.
**African students applying for the Christopher I. and Irene N. Chalokwu Travel Grant can
apply for the GSA International Travel Grant; however, will not be approved to receive both grants.
Please contact:
Ester Sztein
Director of International Programs
Anishma Acharya
Administrative Coordinator - DC Office
IGC Travel Grant
For 2028, and every four years:
38th International Geological Congress (IGC) Students and Early Career Scientists Travel Grant and
Mentoring Program
12-20 August 2028 in the BMO Centre, Calgary, Canada
The Geological Society of America, the Geological Society of America Foundation, and the U.S. National
Committee for Geological Sciences announce a travel grant and mentoring program for graduate students and
early career scientists (within 7 years of receiving their PhD). To be eligible, applicants must be
residents or citizens of the U.S. and be enrolled in, or employed at, a U.S. institution.
Please contact:
Jennifer Nocerino
Director of Strategic Outreach & Engagement
Support Travel Grants
To make a donation to support International Travel Grants, please visit the GSA Foundation website.