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Pardee Keynote Symposia

                            Pardee Keynote Symposia are named in   Geological Survey Landslide Hazards Program; GSA Geology
                          honor of GSA Fellow and benefactor Joseph   and Society Division
                          Thomas Pardee (1871–1960) via a bequest   Disciplines: Engineering Geology, Environmental Geoscience,
                          from Mary Pardee Kelly. Pardee is perhaps   Geoscience Information/Communication
                          best known for his work on Glacial Lake   Advocates: Matthew Crawford; Ann Youberg; Francis Rengers;
                          Missoula. These symposia consist of   William Burns; Stephen Slaughter; Anne Witt
                          invited presentations covering a broad   Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Environmental and
                          range of topics.                     Engineering Geology Division, this session will discuss the past,
                                                               present, and exciting future of many applied geology disciplines.
                          P1. Geoheritage: Connecting Our      The focus will be cutting-edge research and communication
        Joseph Thomas Pardee
                          Stories to Earth’s History           related to geologic hazards, geotechnical engineering, mining
         Endorsers: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;   geology, remote sensing, geophysics, hydrogeology, and soil and
         History of Earth Sciences Society; GSA Energy Geology Division;   rock mechanics. The session will contribute to a better under-
         GSA Geoscience Education Division; GSA Karst Division; GSA   standing of these complex topics and processes, support hazard
         Hydrogeology Division                                 mitigation, improve human health and safety, and help build resil-
         Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology, Geoscience   ience under changing climatic conditions.
         Education, Geoscience Information/Communication
         Advocates: Christina DeVera; Renee M. Clary; William Andrews Jr.;  P3. The Proterozoic-Phanerozoic Transition: Laying
         Timothy Connors                                       the Foundation for the Modern Earth System
          Geoheritage communicates the story about Earth’s geologic his-  Endorsers: Paleontological Society; GSA Geobiology and
         tory shaping our diverse cultures. Your stories and perspectives   Geomicrobiology Division; GSA Sedimentary Geology Division;
         ARE important. Join us to share ideas about best practices for col-  SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology); Geochemical Society;
         lecting information, developing mapping and metadata standards,   GSA Continental Scientific Drilling Division; GSA Geochronology
         and disseminating knowledge about how the unique landscapes   Division
         that we inhabit have impacted our societies. We want to hear your   Disciplines: Geomicrobiology, Paleontology, Diversity,
         stories about geoheritage projects within your community and   Extinction, Origination, Sediments, Carbonates
         how they have increased public awareness and conservation   Advocates: Emily F. Smith; David A.D. Evans; C. Brenhin Keller;
         efforts through effective, inclusive, and accessible communica-  Kimberly Lau; Alan Rooney; Justin V. Strauss; Shuhai Xiao
         tion. This session provides inspiration, empowerment, and the   The Proterozoic-Phanerozoic transition represents one of the
         foundational elements needed to develop geoheritage efforts in our   most profound geobiological events in Earth’s history, marking
         professional, public, and personal communities.       the diversification of major animal groups that unmistakably mark
                                                               the Phanerozoic eon. Key advances have been made in recent
         P2. Looking to the Future of Environmental and        years using an integrative and interdisciplinary approach to shed
         Engineering Geology: EEGD 75th Anniversary            novel insights into biological, environmental, and tectonic changes
         Endorsers: GSA Environmental and Engineering Geology   during this transition. This symposium will showcase some of
         Division; GSA Geology and Society Division; GSA Quaternary   these advances from sedimentological, stratigraphic, paleontologi-
         Geology and Geomorphology Division; GSA Environmental and   cal, geochronological, geochemical, geophysical, and science-
         Engineering Geology Division—Landslide Committee; U.S.   communication perspectives. Parallel topical session(s) and a
                                                               science-communication panel discussion will be arranged.

                                                  Special Session

         From the Mantle to the Mesosphere: Diversified Approaches   The 15 January 2022 eruption of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai
         Toward Understanding the Cataclysmic January 2022     Volcano was the most powerful volcanic eruption in the past
         Eruption of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai Volcano         ~30 years, and the first of its kind recorded on modern scientific
         Endorsers: GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and   instruments. Gaining insight into the events surrounding this
         Volcanology Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics   eruption will require input from researchers in all areas of earth
         Division; GSA Geology and Society Division            science—from magma origin and transport, eruption dynamics,
         Disciplines: Volcanology, Geophysics/Geodynamics, Petrology,   seismicity, tsunami and atmospheric waves, to evaluating societal
         Igneous                                               impacts. We hope to receive abstracts that will fulfill this subject.
         Advocates: Melissa Scruggs; Frank J. Spera

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