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saturation nucleation threshold or autocatal-
                                                                                ysis (Fig. 4D; Fu et al., 1994; Ball, 2015).
                                                                                Crystal ripening and gradients in intensive
                                                                                parameters, such as temperature and chemi-
                                                                                cal potential, can produce banding in igne-
                                                                                ous and metamorphic rocks (e.g., Thompson,
                                                                                1959; Boudreau, 2011). Crystallizing granitic
                                                                                plutons are hydrous, high-temperature reac-
                                                                                tion vessels that stay hot and juicy over time
                                                                                scales of 10 –10  years. Whether such pro-
                                                                                cesses operate in these vessels is not known
                                                                                but is testable with experiments.
                                                                                K-Feldspar Megacrysts
                                                                                  Large K-feldspar phenocrysts (megacrysts)
                                                                                in calc-alkaline granodiorites (Fig. 1) pro-
                 Figure 3. Basalt swirls in a matrix of rhyolite from Yellowstone National Park.   vide an example of a reasonable field inter-
                 Iddings (1899) interpreted relationships such as this as clear evidence that
                 the basalt was melted by the rhyolite. Although experimental petrology in   pretation that is contradicted by experimen-
                 the early twentieth century showed that this is thermodynamically unlikely,   tal and analytical data. A common field
                 Fenner (1938) concurred with Iddings’s field interpretation and appealed to
                 unknown sources of energy to explain the apparently backward melting   interpretation is that megacrysts were phe-
                 relationships. Wilcox (1944) showed that these are simply mixed magmas, an   nocrysts that grew to large size early enough
                 interpretation that stands to this day (Pritchard et al., 2013). Width of view   to be swept around by magmatic currents,
                 14 cm; photo courtesy of Chad Pritchard.
                                                                                pile up in jams, and switch magmatic hosts
                                                                                (e.g., Vernon and Paterson, 2008).
         directly contradicted by experimental petrol-  outside those of human experience. Granitic   This interpretation is firmly ruled out
         ogy (Bowen, 1928, p. 175ff.), and appealed to   plutons are intruded and crystallized at depths   on several grounds (Glazner and Johnson,
         unknown sources of energy to explain the   ranging from a few kilometers to tens of kilo-  2013),  only  one  of  which  we  discuss  here.
         conflict. There was no need; Wilcox (1944)   meters, over durations of 10  to 10  years, at   The phenocryst interpretation requires K-
         showed that the two magmas were molten at   temperatures comparable to the melting   feldspar to be among the first phases to crys-
         the same time and mixed, an explanation that   temperature of gold, from magmas at least   tallize, but a large and consistent body of
         fits the field observations, physical chemis-  10,000,000 times more viscous than water.   experimental data and petrographic observa-
         try, and geochemistry.              Human experience is not relevant to these   tion of dacite lavas shows that K-feldspar is
          Salt domes are another case where an obvi-  conditions and can be highly misleading.  the last major phase to begin crystallization
         ous and long-accepted interpretation turned                            in a dacite (= granodiorite) magma, rarely
         out to be largely incorrect. It appears self-evi-  Bands in Granitic Rocks That   even starting to grow before the magma is
         dent from field relations that the relative buoy-  Resemble Those Produced by   half crystallized. At half crystallization, the
         ancy of salt drives it upward through overly-  Sedimentation           geometric state of the magma is akin to that
         ing rocks (Nettleton, 1943), and this origin of   Banding comparable in scale to bedding   of loosely packed fine gravel or coarse sand,
         salt domes appeared in structural geology   in sedimentary rocks but defined by differ-  a touching framework of crystals with ~50%
         textbooks for decades. However, seismic   ing mineral proportions is common in   pore space. Most K-feldspar crystals thus
         imaging and borehole data led to recognition   plutonic rocks. Such banding is generally   grow from the last ~50% of liquid, which is
         that  the  tops of  many  salt  domes  along  the   assumed to result from crystals settling   dispersed in a tortuous network of millime-
         Gulf of Mexico remained at a fixed depth   from a large, slowly crystallizing magma   ter-scale pores. There is no space in which
         below the sea floor and that the domal shape   body (e.g., Wager and Brown, 1968, p. 208ff.).   large crystals of K-feldspar can grow, and
         results from the flanks being depressed by   A common interpretation of intersecting   therefore they likely grow and recrystallize
         sediment deposited in adjacent “minibasins”   mineral layers (Fig. 4C), by analogy with   to highly potassic compositions by a dis-
         (Worrall and Snelson, 1989). Subsidence of   cross-bedded sediment, is scour-and-fill by   placive process akin to growth of garnets in
         the minibasins is driven by the sediment load   currents  in  a  magma  chamber  (Gilbert,   schist or authigenic halite in evaporites
         and accommodated by lateral extrusion of   1906; Irvine, 1980). Magmatic liquids in   (Glazner and Johnson, 2013).
         underlying weak, ductile salt into domes that   granitic rocks, however, are so viscous that
         grow downward from a fixed roof.    current velocities of tens of kilometers per   Deposition of Mudstones
                                             second would be needed to produce the tur-  An example to which one’s experience
         Cases Where Field Observations      bulence required for erosion to form cross-  with Earth-surface conditions surely ought
         Lead to Reasonable Yet Questionable   bedding (Glazner, 2014).         to apply is the accumulation of mudstone.
         or Invalid Interpretations           This physical argument makes the sedi-  These are assumed to be a continuous record
                                             mentary analogy highly unlikely; cross-  of quiescent environmental conditions in the
         Trying to Explain the Unimaginable  cutting layers in granitic rocks likely form   water column directly above (e.g., Gilbert,
          Astronomy and geology require contem-  by other processes, such as reactions that   1895; Herbert and D’Hondt, 1990). However,
         plation of time scales and length scales far   involve diffusion coupled with a super-   Schieber et al. (2007) showed that classroom

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