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GSA Today articles types: Summary

               Type                 Science Article              Groundwork Article            Rock Stars Article

                              6 print pages, cover photo, variable   Two print pages, usually no more   Two print pages, figures as
                                   number of figures                than 1 figure                  appropriate

                               Possible topics: Review aimed at   Any issue of interest to the society   Short piece on a legend of
                              graduate-level classes, new tools   membership including but not   geosciences, a person whose
           Brief description    and methods in geosciences,   limited to teaching methods, new   contribution influenced
                               paradigm shifting ideas of broad   tools, commentaries on various   significantly the evolution of
                                      interest                       topics                  knowledge in this field

                                            Figure 1. Summary of types of GSA Today articles.

         field in a non-insular way. International contributors are more likely   reason for not being counted by the Web of Science is that GSA
         to bring to light the details of the life and work of their heroes and   Today publishes too small a number of science articles a year,
         trailblazers. We encourage the submission of more such articles in   which does not allow it to make the cut for the gate keepers of the
         the future.                                           Web of Science. Fair enough. This shortcoming is unlikely to
          Once a science article is accepted by GSA Today, the authors   change any time soon, and many scientists outside of the U.S. are
         also have a cover. The cover of the issue will have an image or   required to have “WOS” (Web of Science) publications for their
         images of the authors’ choice, be it a field shot or a representative   promotion packages or for grant proposal eligibility. This short-
         figure. This alone is a great perk; many geology departments in   coming alone could make GSA Today a nonstarter to an early-
         the U.S. are decorated with cover images from papers written by   career foreign scientist. However, if this is not an issue (and it is
         home authors. GSA Today is one of those journals that would stand   not for most North American academics), one can note that in
         proudly next to a cover in Geology, Elements, or, of course, one   Elsevier’s highly respected database Scopus (,
         tied to a Nature or Science paper. It is great free advertisement for   GSA Today consistently ranks in the top 10 of the over 250 jour-
         one’s work, and we live in an era where individual researchers   nals listed in the field of “Geology” and has been in the upper 98th
         cannot and usually do not know or have time to “sell” their work.   and 95th percentile (4th to 8th place) in 2020 and 2021, respec-
          GSA Today moves pretty quickly through review (although we   tively. Its most recent impact factor is 6.9, which is near the top of
         are guilty of some exceptions—they do happen). From submission   geosciences journals. These numbers have been steady over the
         to acceptance, science articles take about 4.3 months on average   past decade, and they are impressive. Viewed from the popular
         (for the period 2016–2021), and the pdf of the typeset article is   Google Scholar database perspective, the numbers look even bet-
         then available on the GSA Today site in an average of 30 days. It   ter: A GSA Today science article collects on average about 25 cita-
         takes only another 2.72 months on average for the accepted paper   tions per year on that database. Many of these papers end up hav-
         to be published in an issue. So, unless there are major changes in   ing many hundreds of citations over a 10–20-year period, which is
         the flux of submissions, it’s a pretty fast affair: Eight months from   hard to achieve in a topical journal. The message published in
         submission to publication on average.                 those GSA Today articles is getting across and citations do follow.
          GSA Today papers (science articles, groundwork articles, or   So why not publish in GSA Today? To get started, go to https://
         Rock Stars pieces) are not counted in the Web of Science (owned
         by Clarivate Analytics), and that is something of a problem. The

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