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Call For Papers

         • Submission deadline: Tuesday, 4 August;
         •  Go to  Abstracts Submission: Expected Behavior
          technical                                                 The submission of an abstract implies a sincere intent to
         •  Submission fee: US$50 for professionals and US$25 for   attend the meeting and present research regardless of the
          students;                                               meeting format (in person or online). Authors and present-
         •  Guidelines on preparing your submission:   ers are expected to display integrity in disseminating their
          gsa/2020AM/categorypreparation.cgi.                     research; adhere to the content and conclusions of abstracts,
         •  By submitting an abstract, you are agreeing to participate during   as submitted and reviewed; remain gracious by offering
          the virtual meeting;                                    collaborators the opportunity for recognition as a co-author;
         • As a presenter, you will still need to register for the meeting;  make sure that listed co-authors have made a bona fide con-
         • The due date for recorded presentations is 4 October;  tribution to the project, are aware of their inclusion, and
         •  More details can be found on   have accepted that recognition; and be diligent in preparing
          gsa2020/program/technical/topical                       a polished product that conveys high-quality scholarship.

           Feed Your Brain—Lunchtime Enlightenment

                                  Michel T. Halbouty Distinguished Lecture
                                  Tom Gleeson
                                  Mon., 26 Oct., 12:15–1:15 p.m.
                                  “Is Groundwater a Local and Global Resource? New Sustainability Ideas and Tools across Scales.”

                                    Groundwater resources are the most reliable source of freshwater on the planet, so long as they
                                  are sustainably managed. While serious groundwater depletion and contamination are well docu-
                                  mented in several regions around the world, other regions have the potential to leverage under-
                                  developed groundwater resources to fuel local human development. In his lecture, Gleeson will
                  Tom Gleeson     argue for the importance of global perspectives on groundwater governance and management,
                                  introduce a recent global groundwater sustainability initiative, and highlight research on new tools
                                  for protecting environmental flows from local groundwater pumping.

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