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2020 GSA Fellows

                 Society Fellowship is an honor bestowed on the best of our profession by election at the spring GSA Council meeting.
             GSA members are nominated by existing GSA Fellows in recognition of their distinguished contributions to the geosciences.
                                        Learn more at

         Jeffrey M. Amato (New Mexico State University): Jeff Amato is   Mary L. Droser (University of California): Dr. Mary Droser is a pre-
         being nominated for GSA Fellow for exceptional scholarship in   eminent scholar of Ediacaran fauna and trace fossils. Her paleoeco-
         structural geology and tectonics through his work on Cordilleran   logical and paleobiological studies are the gold standard for analysis
         tectonics, Precambrian of southwestern North America, and accre-  of early metazoan life. Droser’s work has advanced our understanding
         tionary prism processes, as well as student mentoring and service   of major evolutionary events, particularly the great radiations of the
         to the society. —Terry L. Pavlis                     late Precambrian and early Paleozoic. —Paul M. Myrow

         Paul A. Baker (Duke University): For fundamental research contri-  Mostafa Fayek (University of Manitoba): Mostafa Fayek’s seminal
         butions that further understanding of the geochemistry of marine   work on the geochronology of uranium-ore systems has greatly
         carbonates, the history and dynamics of the South American sum-  affected the exploration for uranium deposits. He has developed and
         mer monsoon system, and the geologic record of biotic diversifica-  used a variety of mass spectrometry techniques and coupled these
         tion in tropical South America. —Sherilyn C. Fritz   with other spectroscopic methods to study radionuclide migration
                                                              (e.g., U) associated with ore systems. —Frank C. Hawthorne
         Kathleen Counter Benison (West Virginia University): Kathleen
         Benison utilizes her training in terrestrial sedimentology and geo-  Nicole M. Gasparini (Tulane University): I nominate Dr. Nicole
         chemistry to inform astrobiology studies and educate the next gen-  Gasparini for election to GSA Fellow for her outstanding and
         eration of geoscientists. Her distinguished academic accomplish-  sustained contributions to the understanding of fluvial landscape
         ments inform her public interactions that raise awareness of the   evolution, leadership in developing open-source software enabling
         importance of the interdisciplinary nature of Earth and planetary   others to engage in landscape evolution modeling, and her efforts
         systems. —Francisca E. Oboh-Ikuenobe                 to enhance opportunities for women and underrepresented groups
                                                              in the geosciences. —Kelin X. Whipple
              “… among the most compelling and enthusiastic
            advocates for the value and role of geology in helping    David H. Goodwin (Denison University): Professor Dave Goodwin
                    to make the world a better place.”        is an exemplary mentor and exceptional teacher and educator. His
                                                              excitement and commitment to training undergraduate students in
         Patricia H. Cashman (University of Nevada–Reno): Pat Cashman   the geosciences is outstanding. His service to his profession and the
         demonstrates sustained excellence in core contributions crossing   geosciences has been extensive, and his scholarly research in
         teaching, mentoring, and research in linked disciplines crossing   sclerochronology and isotope geochemistry is creative and transfor-
         tectonic, structural geology, basin analysis, and energy. She is   mative. —Alan D. Wanamaker Jr.
         among the most compelling and enthusiastic advocates for the
         value and role of geology in helping to make the world a better   Madeline B. Gotkowitz (Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology,
         place. —George Herbert Davis                         Montana Technological University): For her outstanding applied
                                                              research related to groundwater management and contaminant trans-
         Louis A. Derry (Cornell University): Using isotopic, major, and   port, her administrative service with the Montana Bureau of Mines
         trace element and modeling approaches to integrate the Earth’s   and Geology and the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History
         sedimentary and erosional record into robust geochemical cycles.   Survey, and her dedication to effectively communicating geologic
         —Suzanne Mahlburg Kay                                and groundwater issues with the public. —Madeline E. Schreiber

         Patrick F. Dobson (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab): Over the last   “… selfless service to professional organizations and
         three decades, Dr. Patrick Dobson has made transformative scientific   mentorship of students and colleagues.”
         contributions associated with the hydrogeological and geochemical
         assessment of the subsurface for geothermal energy production and   Stephen E. Grasby (Geological Survey of Canada): For his inspiring
         geologic nuclear waste disposal. —Jens Thomas Birkholzer  and exceptionally broad scientific curiosity; ground-breaking funda-
                                                               mental and applied research contributions in paleohydrology, hydro-
         Stephen Quinn Dornbos (University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee):   geochemistry, geothermal energy, and mass extinctions; leadership
         Stephen Dornbos has made extraordinary contributions to our   organizing logistically complex and scientifically successful interna-
         understanding of Cambrian life, environments, and evolution.    tional Arctic field research programs; and selfless service to profes-
         He is best known for his work on spectacularly preserved fossils   sional organizations and mentorship of students and colleagues.
         in Asia. Steve is a professor at the UW Milwaukee, and currently   —Jennifer C. McIntosh
         an AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow at the Pentagon.
         —Mark A. Wilson

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