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Loss of angular momentum is more effec-   rock units were deposited during open-  al., 2018) and by sulfur isotopes in sedi-
          tive when stars spin faster, because mag-  water, probably sunlit conditions (Figs. 2C   mentary rocks that were fractionated inde-
          netic fields are generally stronger and   and 2D). If Earth absorbed and retained   pendent of mass by ultraviolet photolysis
          sweep through stellar winds faster, and   solar energy with modern effectiveness,   of SO  in an anoxic atmosphere (Farquhar
          because coronal mass ejections are more   water at ancient Earth’s surface would   and Wing, 2003; Claire et al., 2014;
          common (e.g., Gallet and Bouvier, 2015).  have been largely if not entirely frozen   Dauphas and Schauble, 2016). CH  and H
            Studies of star populations in clusters in   during this time, except where heated by   are potential greenhouse gases but would
          which all the stars have similar age indi-  magmatic and hydrothermal activity or   be slowly oxidized in such an atmosphere
          cate that most stellar spindown, and by   beneath hundreds to thousands of meters   due to various reactions involving H O and
          inference mass loss, occurs during the first   of ice. Geologic evidence of ancient warm   CO  that are triggered by ultraviolet radia-
          few hundred million years of a star’s life   conditions is outlined below, followed by   tion, a process that would be more effec-
          (Fig. 2A) (Skumanich, 1972; Ayres, 1997).   possible explanations for effective surface   tive with more intense short-wavelength
          This interpretation was strengthened by   warming with a faint young Sun.  radiation in the Archean (Pavlov et al.,
          recent studies using data from the Kepler   Archean strata deposited in shallow   2001; Catling and Kasting, 2017). Methane
          planet-finder satellite mission (active   water with evidence of sunlit conditions   could have been an important greenhouse
          2009–2018). The Kepler telescope was   indicate surface temperatures above   gas, however, if methane-generating bacte-
          designed to detect changes in stellar lumi-  freezing. These rock units include calcar-  ria were abundant and if bacterial growth
          nosity resulting from passage of planets in   eous and siliceous strata interpreted as   was not inhibited by cooling due to sun-
          front of stars but also identified luminosity   fossil microbial mats and mound-forming   light-shielding organic haze produced by
          variations due to transit of starspots on   algal stromatolites that harbored, or were   photochemical reactions involving CH
          stellar surfaces. This allowed determina-  produced by, photosynthetic bacteria    and CO  (Domagal-Goldman et al., 2008).
          tion of rotation periods for thousands of   (e.g., Grotzinger and Knoll, 1999; Noffke,   Effective warming by reducing green-
          stars and accurate representation of stellar   2008; Tice et al., 2011). One of the oldest   house gases is suggested by the coinci-
          spindown rates (Fig. 2A) (Meibom et al.,   examples of aquatic microbial life is the   dence of earliest Proterozoic glaciations
          2011, 2015; Rebull et al., 2017). It appears   3.42 Ga Buck Reef Chert in South Africa,   with the great oxidation event (“GOE”) of
          from these studies that, if the Sun did have   which contains carbonaceous layers, fila-  Earth’s atmosphere (Holland, 2006) (Fig.
          greater mass during its youth, it would   ments, and grains deposited within fine-  2D). The GOE would have destroyed
          have lost most of that additional mass dur-  grained, wave-agitated, siliceous sedi-  atmospheric CH  and H , thereby causing
          ing rapid spindown before deposition of   ments (Tice and Lowe, 2004) (Fig. 2D).   the temperature drop (Pavlov et al., 2000;
          Archean algal stromatolites on Earth and   The 3.35–3.43 Ga Strelley Pool Formation   Haqq-Misra et al., 2008).
          Noachian river-channel incision and lake-  in the Pilbara Supergroup of northwestern   Three-dimensional climate models of
          delta deposition on Mars (Figs. 2C–2E).  Australia (Wacey et al., 2010) contains   Archean Earth’s atmosphere have been
                                             abundant evidence of microbial biofilms   used to evaluate the effectiveness of sev-
          SOLAR RADIATION OVER TIME          that precipitated carbonate and/or trapped   eral atmospheric variables that are impor-
            Short-wavelength solar radiation was   fine detrital grains to form laminated   tant for a warm climate, including CO ,
          stronger during the Sun’s youth, which   stromatolites (Allwood et al., 2009;   CH , and H  concentration, absolute pres-
          further complicates warming scenarios   Wacey, 2010; Duda et al., 2016). Multiple   sure, and abundance of cloud-condensation
          because some greenhouse gases such as   associated sedimentary features in the   nuclei. Warm, open-water conditions not
          methane are readily photolyzed (broken   Strelley Pool Formation, including rare   unlike modern conditions were calculated
          down) by such radiation or by free radicals   desiccation cracks, indicate deposition in   for a 1-bar atmosphere with 1% CO  and
          produced by photolysis of other gases   shallow-water, tidally affected, marine   0.2% CH  at 2.5 Ga (Charnay et al., 2013);
          (Catling and Kasting, 2017). Six nearby   environments (e.g., Allwood et al., 2006).   1.2% CO  and 0.1% CH  at 3.5 Ga (Le Hir
          stars similar in mass to the Sun, but with a   Fossil microbial mats and stromatolites   et al., 2014); and 0.1–0.36 bar CO  partial
          range of ages, were identified by Ribas et   resemble much younger and modern   pressure with 1 bar N  at 3.8 Ga (Charnay
          al. (2005) and used to estimate radiation   microbial mats, photosynthetic stromato-  et al., 2017). A variety of other factors
          characteristics of the Sun over time (Fig.   lites, and cyanobacterial mounds   influence global temperature, including
          2B). Short-wavelength radiation, especially   (Suosaari et al., 2016).  sea-ice dynamics and the abundance
          far ultraviolet and X-ray, is significantly   The abundance of sedimentary and    of cloud-droplet condensation nuclei.
          more intense for younger stars because   fossil indicators of liquid water at Earth’s   Appropriate values of multiple variables
          their faster rotation rate increases the    surface during the Archean indicates the   appear to be capable of warming Archean
          accumulation of magnetic-field energy    effectiveness of warming mechanisms that   Earth to approximately modern tempera-
          in stellar envelopes, which in turn results   are still not well understood. CO  and N    tures, but the relative significance of these
          in greater short-wavelength radiation from   were likely the dominant atmospheric   factors in supporting warm conditions
          stellar surfaces and coronae.      gases (Kasting, 2014; Catling and Kasting,   under a faint young Sun has not been
                                             2017). The absence of significant O  in   clearly identified.
          EARTH                              Earth’s Archean atmosphere is indicated
            Solar luminosity is calculated to have   by unoxidized detrital sulfides and    MARS
          been ~77%–79% of its current value at    uraninite in Archean fluvial sediments   The heavily cratered Noachian high-
          3.2 –3.5 Ga, when at least four different   (Rasmussen and Buick, 1999; Burron et   lands of equatorial and southern Mars,
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