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Cosmogenic nuclides indicate that boulder fields
are dynamic, ancient, multigenerational features

Alison R. Denn*, Paul R. Bierman, Department of Geology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405, USA; Susan R.H.
Zimmerman, Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550,
USA; Marc W. Caffee, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA, and
Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA; Lee B. Corbett,
Department of Geology, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405, USA; and Eric Kirby, College of Earth, Ocean and
Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331, USA

ABSTRACT                                    cold climate periods (Clark and Ciolkosz,       erosion, accumulation of unconsolidated
                                            1988) by frost action and mass wasting          soil/regolith, and perhaps by periglacial
  Boulder fields are found throughout the   (periglaciation). These features, particu-      action or glaciation during cold periods
world; yet, the history of these features,  larly unvegetated boulder fields, boulder       (André et al., 2008).
as well as the processes that form them,    streams, and talus slopes (areas of broken
remain poorly understood. In high and       rock distinguished by differences in mor-         Here, we report 52 measurements of
mid-latitudes, boulder fields are thought   phology and gradient [Wilson et al.,            10Be and 25 measurements of 26Al in boul-
to form and be active during glacial peri-  2016]), are believed to be largely              ders and outcrops in and near the Hickory
ods; however, few quantitative data sup-    inactive today (Braun, 1989; Clark and          Run boulder field. Data show that boulders
port this assertion. Here, we use in situ   Ciolkosz, 1988).                                in the field have moved over time and can
cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al to quantify the                                                    have cosmogenic nuclide concentrations
near-surface history of 52 samples in and     Boulder fields have been documented           equivalent to at least 600 k.y. of near-sur-
around the largest boulder field in North   throughout the world, including Australia       face history. We conclude that boulder
America, Hickory Run, in central            (Barrows et al., 2004), Norway (Wilson et       fields survive multiple glacial-interglacial
Pennsylvania, USA.                          al., 2016), South Africa (Boelhouwers et        cycles, calling into question their utility as
                                            al., 2002), the Falkland Islands (Wilson et     climatic indicators.
  Boulder surface 10Be concentrations       al., 2008), Italy (Firpo et al., 2006), Sweden
(n = 43) increase downslope, indicate       (Goodfellow et al., 2014), and South            GEOLOGIC AND PHYSIOGRAPHIC
minimum near-surface histories of           Korea (Seong and Kim, 2003). Hundreds           SETTING
70–600 k.y., and are not correlated with    of such fields exist in eastern North
lithology or boulder size. Measurements     America (Nelson et al., 2007; Potter and          Hickory Run boulder field is ~2 km south
of samples from the top and bottom of       Moss, 1968; Psilovikos and Van Houten,          of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)
one boulder and three underlying clasts as  1982; Smith, 1953); however, both the           Laurentide Ice Sheet boundary (Pazzaglia
well as 26Al/10Be ratios (n = 25) suggest   time scale and mechanism of boulder             et al., 2006; Sevon and Braun, 2000) in
that at least some boulders have complex    field formation remain poorly understood        east-central Pennsylvania, USA (Fig. 1A),
exposure histories caused by flipping       because few quantitative data constrain         a temperate, forested, inland region of the
and/or cover by other rocks, soil, or ice.  the age of boulder field formation or           Atlantic passive margin. The field sits on a
Cosmogenic nuclide data demonstrate         evolution.                                      low-relief upland surface underlain by
that Hickory Run, and likely other boul-                                                    gently folded, resistant Paleozoic sandstones
der fields, are dynamic features that per-    Boulder field formation is usually            and conglomerates.
sist through multiple glacial-interglacial  explained by one of two process models,
cycles because of boulder resistance to     both of which invoke periglaciation as a          The field is an elongate, 550- by
weathering and erosion. Long and com-       catalyst for boulder generation and trans-      150-m-wide, nearly flat (1°) expanse of
plex boulder histories suggest that cli-    port (Rea, 2013; Wilson, 2013): (1) boulders    boulders in the axis of a small valley
matic interpretations based on the pres-    fall from a bedrock outcrop upslope of the      (Fig. 1) with ~30 m of relief (Smith, 1953).
ence of these rocky landforms are likely    field and are transported downslope by          Boulders in the field range from <1 to >10
oversimplifications.                        ice-catalyzed heaving and sliding (Smith,       m long and are hard, gray-red, medium-
                                            1953); or (2) boulders form as corestones       grained sandstone and conglomeratic
INTRODUCTION                                underground, are unearthed by the pro-          sandstone from the Catskill formation
                                            gressive removal of surrounding saprolite,      (Sevon, 1975), as are the adjacent ridgelines.
  Areas outside the maximum extent of       and are later reworked (André et al., 2008).    Upslope boulders at the northeast end of
Pleistocene glaciation contain landforms    However they form, boulder fields are likely    the field (Fig. 1D) are generally more
thought to have been produced during        altered over time by in situ rock weathering,   angular than those downslope to the south-
                                                                                            west (Fig. 1E) (Wedo, 2013), which are

     GSA Today, v. 28, doi: 10.1130/GSATG340A.1. Copyright 2017, The Geological Society of America. CC-BY-NC.
     * Now at Pinnacle Potash International, Ltd., 111 Congress Ave, Suite 2020, Austin, Texas 78701, USA

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