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periodicities in the Middle and Late   effects that try to explain long-wavelength   Föllmi, K., 2012, Early Cretaceous life, climate and
          Triassic (~5-m.y./cycle on average for third-  and long-term tectonic warping (see, e.g.,   anoxia: Cretaceous Research, v. 35, p. 230–257,
          order sequences) and no evidence of wide-  Gurnis, 1993; Flament et al., 2013). On   Glørstad-Clark, E., Faleide J-I., Lunschien, B. and
          spread glaciation. However, the relatively   these longer scales subducting slabs under-  Nystuen, J., 2010, Triassic sequence stratigraphy
          moderate variations in third-order sea lev-  neath continents dramatically influence   and paleogeography of the western Barents
          els make it tempting to consider the    surface topography that in turn could drive   Sea: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 27,
          possibility of changes driven by the transfer   local eurybathic sea-level changes. Thus,   p. 1448–1475,
          of water to and from land aquifers as a   dynamic topography-driven variations seem   .2010.02.008.
          potential cause. Since the early suggestion   to be a promising avenue to follow to   Gorter, J.D., 1994, Triassic sequence stratigraphy
                                                                                  of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
          by Hay and Leslie (1990) and Jacobs and   explain the relatively small amplitude but   in Purcell, P.G., and Purcell, R.R., eds., The
          Sahagian (1993) there has been consider-  long duration highs and lows (within the   Sedimentary Basins of Western Australia:
          able recent interest in this mechanism as a   range of –50 m to +50 m of pdmsl) of the   Perth, Proceedings of the Petroleum Exploration
          potential cause for eustatic changes (e.g.,   long-term eustatic sea level in the Triassic.   Society Australia Symposium p. 397–413.
          Föllmi, 2012; Wagreich et al., 2014;   So far such modeling for the Triassic super-  Gurnis, M., 1993, Phanerozoic marine inundation
          Wendler and Wendler, 2016; Sames et al.,   continent and its margins has not been   of continents driven by dynamic topography
                                                                                  above subducting slabs: Nature, v. 364, p. 589–
          2016). Nevertheless, this process is more   attempted and is obviously an area of   593,
          attuned to explaining modest (20–30 m)   important future investigation.  Haas, J., and Budai, T., 1999, Triassic sequence
          input/sequestration of water from/to land                               stratigraphy of the Transdanubian Range
          groundwater aquifers (and to a much lesser   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS            (Hungary): Geologica Carpathica, v. 50, no. 6,
          extent, the lakes that contribute only a    The author is indebted to professors James Ogg,   p. 459–475.
          minute, almost unmeasurable, amount to   William Hay, Jerry Dickens, and an anonymous   Hallam, A., and Wignall, P.B., 1997, Mass
                                                                                  extinctions and their aftermath: New York,
          the total) to the ocean on Milankovitch   reviewer for detailed reviews of the paper and   Oxford University Press, 330 p.
          time scales (Hay and Leslie, 1990). In the   many useful suggestions that improved the quality   Haq, B.U., 2014, Cretaceous eustasy revisited:
                                             of the paper. Christopher Scotese provided the
          Triassic the process seems counterintuitive   reconstructions on which Figure S1 is based.   Global and Planetary Change, v. 113, p. 44–58,
          as very dry periods on land coincide with   Alexandre Lethier (Sorbonne, ISTEP) assiduously
          lowstands of sea level when presumably   drafted the Triassic cycle chart presented in this   Haq, B.U., 2017, Jurassic sea level variations: A
          continental interiors would tend toward   paper and the figures in the GSA data repository   reappraisal: GSA Today, v. 28, no. 1, doi:10.1130/
          depleted aquifers (and also lack large   that accompanies the paper.  Haq, B.U., and Al-Qahtani, A.M., 2005, Phanerozo-
          lakes). The reverse also seems to be the   REFERENCES CITED             ic cycles of sea-level change on the Arabian
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