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Increased Land Subsidence and Sea-Level Rise are Submerging
                   Egypt’s Nile Delta Coastal Margin

Jean-Daniel Stanley, Mediterranean Basin (MEDIBA) Program, 6814 Shenandoah Court, Adamstown, Maryland 21710, USA,; and Pablo L. Clemente, Dept. of Geographic and Environmental Systems, University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, Maryland 21250, USA,

ABSTRACT                                            sea-level rise responding largely to             Figure 1. Map of the Nile Basin indicating relative
                                                    increased polar glacial ice melt and ther-       percentages of fresh-water flow contributed by
  Egypt’s Nile delta, only ~1 m above               mal expansion of seawater associated             the Blue Nile, Atbara River, and the White Nile to
mean sea level at the Mediterranean                 with global warming (Hansen et al., 2016).       the Main Nile in the Sudan and Egypt. GERD—
coast, is subject to uneven rates of sub-           Less attention has been paid to other            Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
mergence. This is a response to several             mechanisms that could presently play a
factors leading to increasing land lower-           substantial, or even greater, role in a del-     political stability (La Guardia, 2016), must
ing (subsidence) of the northern delta and          ta’s coastal submergence. The Nile delta’s       already import much of its food to feed its
adjacent seafloor, plus an accelerating             margin in northern Egypt is examined             growing population concentrated in the
rise in eustatic (world) sea level in the           here with regard to its ongoing submer-          Nile delta and valley.
Mediterranean. An average eustatic sea-             gence by rising sea level (Shaltout et al.,
level rise of ~3 mm/yr represents only              2015), combined with the effects of land         BACKGROUND
~26% to 45% of total relative sea-level rise        subsidence near its Mediterranean coast-
measured along this margin. Three factors           line and seafloor offshore (Fig. 1). The latter     The Nile Basin covers 3,250,000 km2
leading to subsidence are neotectonic low-          include (1) effects of recent neotectonic        and extends northward across 36° of lati-
ering, compaction of Holocene sequences,            lowering of the delta surface associated         tude. The delta forms at the mouth of the
and diminished sediment replenishment by            with substrate displacement; (2) ongoing         Nile, the world’s longest river (~6700 km),
much reduced Nile flow to Egypt’s coast.            compaction of the Holocene sedimentary           whose water in Egypt is derived from two
Subsidence accounts for variable average            sequence; and (3) diminished sediment            north-flowing branches, the Blue and
land lowering of ~3.7 mm/yr of section in           replenishment by the Nile River at the           White Niles, that merge as the Main Nile
the NW delta, ~7.7 mm/yr in the N delta,            delta coast and adjacent shelf. We propose       in the northern Sudan (Fig. 1). Interpreta-
and ~8.4 mm/yr in the NE delta, based on            that these three phenomena have triggered        tions regarding Holocene depositional
compaction rates of strata thicknesses that         a greater amount of subsidence of the
decrease down-core between top and base             low-elevation delta margin (~1 m above
of Holocene sections in 85 drill cores dis-         mean sea level [msl]) and consequent
tributed along the delta margin. Among              landward coastline retreat during the past
present critical challenges are marked              few thousand years than could have been
reduction of Nile water and sediment                produced during this time span by the
below the High Aswan Dam that can now               increased rate of eustatic sea-level rise
reach the delta coast. It is expected that          alone. Factors triggering land subsidence,
problems of fresh water and energy pov-             interacting with increased rise in eustatic
erty in the lower Nile Basin are likely to          sea level, account for what is generally
be seriously exacerbated in years ahead             termed relative sea-level rise.
by construction of Ethiopia’s Grand
Renaissance Dam (GERD). Completion of                 This survey highlights increased anthro-
this, the biggest hydroelectric structure in        pogenic pressures that augment the impact
Africa, is this year. Egypt, the Sudan, and         of these factors and have negative conse-
Ethiopia must resolve the looming crisis of         quences for populations in the northern
diminished Blue Nile water and sediment             delta. Of major concern is the ongoing
distribution to the lower Nile Basin and            reduction of useable land and fresh water
Egypt’s delta margin.                               needed for agricultural production in this
                                                    small but vital breadbasket, one that has
INTRODUCTION                                        previously accounted for 60% of the coun-
                                                    try’s food production. This continued
  Recent submergence of many world                  coastal margin submergence occurs at a
fluvial-marine deltaic margins is generally         time when Egypt, facing increased eco-
attributed to increased eustatic (world)            nomic stress and diminished internal

GSA Today, v. 27, no. 5, doi: 10.1130/GSATG312A.1.

4 GSA Today | May 2017
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