GSA and the March for Science

March For Science

60+ Organizations Join March for Science, Network of Satellite Marches Nears 400 Globally

View Press Release

The March for Science is scheduled for Earth Day, 22 April 2017, in Washington, D.C., with satellite events planned for many cities across the world. Many of the principles and goals of the March for Science align well with GSA’s mission and our position statements. We are inspired by its call for open science communication, the value of science to inform policy makers, the importance of cutting edge science education and building diversity in the STEM community, and the need for sustained federal funding for basic and applied scientific research. We recognize that the continued development of scientific knowledge is essential to ensure the health, vitality, and security of society and our planet.

The March for Science will unite diverse groups of scientists and the public in a nonpartisan event. We recognize that the March may attract individuals or groups whose message may not be identical to our own and which we cannot control. But, after deep discussion, we support and endorse this community effort to raise awareness of the fundamental importance of scientific knowledge and the scientific process to our lives and world. It is the role of GSA to directly and positively engage policy makers across the political spectrum and at national to local levels, to inform and advise them on the basis of sound scientific evidence. We frequently work as part of larger coalitions of science organizations, societies, and industry to promote the health of the scientific research community and to extend its impact across all parts of society. Building the relationship of scientists with their elected officials, providing them with important information and perspectives, promotes a better understanding of the issues. GSA encourages all members to promote the benefits of geoscience to your communities and lawmakers, and engagement in the March for Science is one option to meet these goals. We especially encourage your involvement in local events, where your face-to-face interactions with people in your community will bring a human face to geoscience and can help to bring our mission to life.

Click here for more information on the many communication tools and vital information about national science policies that GSA provides as a resource for its members to engage at the science-society interface.  


Register to March

  • Marcher Pledge
    Outlines the principles all supporters will adhere to
  • Accessibility Plans
    Including satellite and virtual marches
  • Bus Sharing
    Ride with 10 others to DC or other march
  • Teach In Toolkit
    National Council for Science and the Environment helps scientists share research with the public
  • Education Partners
    Reach out to these MFS partner institutions. Tell them you are looking for a scientist to speak to your students about their work.
