
Figure 1
Figure 1.

The Align app for stratigraphic time-series alignment. (A) A screenshot of the Align graphical user interface (tab 1) where menus (on left) prompt the user to upload, plot, and align a target and a candidate time-series data set using the underlying dynamic time-warping (DTW) algorithm. The example target data set “Synthetic TH17” (adopted from Trampush and Hajek, 2017) and candidate data set “Noisy subsample” (see GitHub repository [text footnote 1]) are plotted with a click button (on right) to visually confirm accurate data upload. (B) A screenshot of the Align culling interface (tab 2) where sliding scales (on left) allow a user to narrow the resulting alignment libraries by the Pearson correlation coefficient (“xc cutoff”) and/or overlap percent cutoffs. The example criteria (xc cutoff = 0.9; overlap cutoff = 90%) narrow the full library of 60 alignments down to nine alignments. The user can use a drop-down menu to plot one of these alignments at a time (on right).
