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Figure 2
Figure 2.

(A) Height displacements of our physical model from time-lapse stereo surface recordings and digital image correlation software. (B) Three-dimensional distribution of uplift/subsidence rates at 5 m.y. (upscaled from the data presented in Fig. 3A). (C) Cross section at basin axis showing the rates of uplift and subsidence at 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 m.y. The cross section captures the high subsidence/uplift rates typically associated with the initial remobilization of in situ salt (blue and yellow lines for 5 and 10 m.y., respectively) versus later phases of evolution when most of the salt has already been remobilized (green, red, and purple for 15, 20, and 25 m.y., respectively). These trends are observed both in physical models and real case studies in the subsurface including the Mississippi Basin example that is presented in this work (see Fig. 1). Salt-cored highs are indicated by letters A and B in the map views, sedimentary pathways are indicated by letters M and N, and X represents location of starved minibasins.

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