Figure 2.
Co-seismic main surface rupture along the newly identified Little River fault. (A) Main surface and ground ruptures, locations of displaced geodetic monuments, and earthquake sequence. Topographic map overlaying digital elevation model (DEM) and hillshade. White dashed lines indicate the surface rupture sections (A–D) described in the text. The stereogram displays the focal mechanism (green), measured fault (red), and foliation (blue) orientations. Location of 2A provided by inset in Figure 1A. (B and C) Greenway Drive industrial park, uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) imagery in B is overlain by UAS-DEM with topographic profiles TP1 and TP2 (blue lines) along the surface rupture. The red rectangle is the inset area of (C), where arrows highlight surface rupture trace. (D) Topographic profiles TP1 and TP2 (VE = 10×) extracted from UAS-DEM. (E and F) Rivers Edge Road, UAS imagery in E is overlain by UAS-DEM and includes the location of ground penetrating radar profile line 02 presented in Figure 3G. Arrows in (F) highlight the surface rupture crossing the field.