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Figure 2
Figure 2.

(A) Schematic partitioning diagram for Y and Yb into minerals stable at high lithostatic pressures >1 GPa such as garnet and amphibole. (B–D) Empirical calibrations using known crustal thicknesses from data compiled in Profeta et al. (2015) based on (B) multiple linear regression of ln(Sr/Y) (x-axis), ln(La/Yb) (y-axis), and crustal thickness (z-axis); (C) simple linear regression of ln(Sr/Y) and crustal thickness; and (D) simple linear regression of ln(La/Yb) and crustal thickness. Equations in parts B–D include 95% confidence intervals for each coefficient. Coefficient uncertainties should not be propagated when applying these equations to calculate crustal thickness; rather, the 2s (95% confidence interval) residuals (modeled fits subtracted from known crustal thicknesses) are more representative of the calibration uncertainty.

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