Appendex 1 - Puzzle Answers
Appendix 1 — Puzzle Answers

Screenshots of answers to the puzzles in Figure 1. Blue circles are for reference. (A) Foliation in deformed granite (Inyo Range, California, USA) has an edge fabric ellipse (EFE) aspect ratio (E) of 1.28 at an azimuth of 070 in the photo. (B) This image of granodiorite (Yosemite National Park, California, USA) was deformed by pure-shear stretch of 10% along a bearing of 030 (R = 1.22); EFE gives E = 1.11 along 030. (C) Shadowed vertical face cut into alluvial deposits (Death Valley National Park, California, USA), downstream to right, yields an EFE long axis rotated 20° counterclockwise from horizontal. The camera was held with a horizontal horizon, and layering is essentially horizontal, but EFEs in this and several other photos of the same face are consistently aligned with their long axes rotated 20° to 30° counterclockwise from horizontal. We attribute this to pebble imbrication and suggest that EFEs may aid the detection of these subtle fabrics. (D) Color index determination on this granodiorite (Peninsular Ranges, California, USA) yields 9% dark minerals. EFE (not shown) detects the rather obvious steep fabric defined by alignment of the dark minerals. See the original photos in the Supplemental Material.1

1 Supplemental Material. Original photos from Figure 1. Please visit to access the supplemental material, and contact with any questions.