A Carbon Source
Arctic soil organic carbon (SOC), the largest terrestrial organic carbon reservoir (Tarnocai
et al., 2009; Schuur et al., 2015), is typically locked up in permafrost (Tarnocai et al.,
2009; Olefeldt et al., 2016; Turetsky et al., 2020), but is under threat. The mean annual
air temperature in the Arctic is rising twice as fast as the global average (Schuur et al.,
2015). Permafrost will further degrade, exposing significant quantities of SOC to
decomposition and respiration, releasing greenhouse gases (GHG), like CO2 and
CH4, into the atmosphere (Walter et al., 2006; Mackelprang et al., 2011; Cory et
al., 2014; Turetsky et al., 2020), driving a feedback loop of increasing air temperatures
and degrading permafrost (Schuur et al., 2015).
A complex relationship of interlinked processes (e.g., climate, precipitation, erosion)
drives permafrost degradation and differential land subsidence that generates thermokarst
lakes (van Huissteden et al., 2011) (Fig. 1), which expand slowly through heat conduction,
enhancing permafrost thaw and mass wasting at lake margins. Thermokarst lake expansion is
projected to continue under future climate warming (Smith et al., 2005; Walter, et al.,
2006; van Huissteden et al., 2011). Thermokarst lakes may also drain catastrophically
(Mackay, 1988), creating thermo-erosion gullies (Figs. 1B and 1C) that result in substantial
(discharge rates up to 25 m3s–1; Jones and Arp, 2015) sediment and SOC
erosion from lake margins and along drainage channels. This is assumed to decrease the
permafrost carbon store because the liberated SOC is vulnerable to degradation and GHG
release (Vonk and Gustafsson, 2013), resulting in a net flux (positive) to the atmospheric
carbon pool.
Figure 1
Catastrophic lake drainage and lacustrine delta formation. (A) Approximate location of the
five thermokarst lakes analyzed herein. (B) Planet CubeSat imagery of two thermokarst lakes
(Lake ID 99492) showing images before (L1f) and after (L1d) drainage, where lake L1 rapidly
drained into lake L2 (L2f). (C) Satellite imagery showing L1 drainage through a preexisting
channel (T1: 27 Sept. 2017) that evolved into a thermo-erosion gulley (T2: 7 June 2018).
This event eroded, transported, and deposited large volumes of sediment and remobilized soil
organic carbon (SOC) into the delta in L2 (T3: 11 July 2020). (D) Schematic model of L1
drainage, creation of a thermo-erosion gulley, and deposition of a delta in L2. AK—Alaska.
Catastrophic drainage events may increase in frequency (Jones et al., 2020), but the fate of
released carbon is poorly constrained. A first-order approximation of carbon released by
erosion during catastrophic thermokarst lake drainage events suggests that a significant
volume of the eroded material, and potentially SOC, is rapidly re-deposited (hours to days)
(Jones and Arp, 2015) in proximal downstream deltas/subaerial fans (Fig. 1B), limiting the
net carbon release. Data on SOC volumes partitioned into particulate organic carbon (POC)
available for re-deposition, or dissolved organic carbon (DOC) available for degradation,
are limited. If a significant volume of POC is buried in delta deposits, however, the
potential for GHG release is minimized. Counterintuitively, catastrophic drainage of
thermokarst lakes, and gully and lake margin erosion, may provide limited carbon release to
the atmosphere.
Methods and Results
We analyzed satellite imagery (Planet Team, 2017) for five thermokarst lakes (98.5–1,403
km2) in NW Alaska that drained between 2017 and 2018 (Fig. 1A) (Nitze et al.,
2020). Following catastrophic drainage, all channels widened by >1.7 m (Fig. 1C), and
lengths remained constant (supplemental Table S11). Channel depths could not be
measured from available imagery. A delta or fan always formed in the receiving lake. SOC in
the top two meters average 8843.31 g/m2 (Zhu and McGuire, 2016), suggesting,
conservatively, that >3.22 Gg of carbon may be remobilized during a single drainage
event, or >42.2 Gg from the five events combined (supplemental Table S2 [see footnote
1]). Carbon eroded from lake margins proximal to channels could not be quantified, so the
remobilized carbon calculations are conservative minima.
A Carbon Sink
Material eroded during catastrophic lake drainage is commonly rapidly re-deposited, burying
remobilized organic carbon into proximal lacustrine deltas/fans (Fig. 1C). Organic carbon in
superficial deltaic sediments may undergo further degradation (Blair and Aller, 2012), but
most carbon in the delta may no longer represent a source of GHG. Our conceptual model (Fig.
1D) suggests that thermokarst lake deltas/fans produced by catastrophic drainage may serve
as proximal sinks of organic carbon.
Long-term organic carbon fate in these deposits remains uncertain. An increased magnitude and
frequency of drainage and re-deposition events will increase their impact on the local and
regional carbon stores. Further work is required to identify the precise role of
catastrophic thermokarst lake drainage in Arctic carbon fluxes.
We thank Georgina Heldreich for valuable discussions on delta formation, and the two
constructive anonymous reviews, which greatly improved the manuscript.
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