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Thank you for choosing the Geological Society of America to publish your research. It is our privilege to help you navigate the publication process and provide you with resources to achieve your publication goals.
GSA helps a diverse community of geoscientists find the tools, confidence, and connections they need to navigate the complexity involved in advancing our science and driving their careers to fulfilling new heights. Our journals are committed to the highest standards of scholarship and knowledge sharing.
GSA publishes scientific papers on all aspects of geology. Manuscripts in any research field of geology are considered for publication by GSA, especially if the papers are useful in more than one field. Those that discuss principles are generally preferred to detailed areal studies, many of which are more appropriate to state, provincial, or university publications. Do not submit papers that have been submitted, accepted, or published elsewhere.
All Papers Are Peer-Reviewed
All scientific papers submitted to GSA are read critically by referees before they are accepted for publication. GSA uses a single-blind peer-review system, but reviewers have the option of waiving anonymity. The usual review period ranges from a few weeks for very short papers to four or more months for some journal and book-length papers.