David Szymanski
GSA Member since 1997
GSA Fellow since 2017
2008-09 GSA/USGS Congressional Science Fellow
Geology & Society Division Chair
Without a hint of hyperbole, becoming a member of GSA changed my life.
From field camp to the halls of the U.S. Capitol, my journey as a professional earth scientist was made possible by the opportunities and the people of GSA.
The North-central section meeting prepared me for my first annual meeting, followed by another first: independent field work fully funded by a GSA Graduate Student Research Grant. GSA helped me through meetings and leadership opportunities in the Geology & Public Policy Committee and the Geology & Society Division. In 2008, once again, GSA membership opened new doors. I moved to Washington, D.C., and served for a year as the GSA/USGS Congressional Science Fellow.
David W. Szymanski, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Geology
Bentley University
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