The Power of Corporate Engagement

Corporate partners and sponsors generate unique opportunities at GSA.

GSA strives for relationships developed and enhanced through ongoing collaboration to create the most effective engagement. Each of the mechanisms for participation are important to the Society’s programming in distinctive ways and meet a variety of interests for companies:

Meeting sponsorship can be tailored and more expansive than it might first sound. Companies that participate in GSA’s annual and section meetings have onsite presence as a leader in supporting the current and future geoscience community, with a captive audience. There are opportunities to meet thousands of the best and brightest geoscience students who might become your future employees; these student members learn from you about the wide range of career paths in the geosciences and the scope of activity and research going on within your company and industry sector. Additionally, corporate representatives engage with the geoscience community, learn about current research in technical sessions, showcase new technology and products, connect with geology and earth science departments at the 50-60 university booths, and build valuable relationships among attendees from industry, government, and academia.

Program support allows for more targeted sponsorship of GSA programs that align with a company’s goals and provide directed avenues of interaction. When you sponsor GeoCareers, students are engaging specifically to ask questions about career paths, opportunities, your corporate culture, and qualifications; this is a beneficial program for companies who hire geoscientists. On To the Future scholarships draw participation from companies that are making investments to diversify the current and future workforce. The J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarships are of interest to companies that recognize the value of field work, and help students who otherwise might not be able to attend a traditional field camp as part of their education. And, outside of federal programs, GSA Graduate Student Research Grants represent the largest single source of research funding for graduate students in the geosciences and related fields; recipients cite the game-changing impact made by early GSA grants throughout their long careers. These are just a sampling of programs with sponsorship opportunities at GSA.

Organizational partners are integrated into multiple aspects of GSA. They can include annual meeting presence and support, in-kind product or service offerings to GSA and its members, advertising in GSA communications, program support, and exclusive member benefits; their engagement typically lasts over years and evolves to meet the priorities of both the companies and the geoscience community.

To discuss how your company or organization can find valuable engagement through these kinds of partnerships, please contact Jeff Tyler at +1-303-357-1054 or

The Geological Society of America

A Global Scientific Society

The Geological Society of America (GSA), founded in 1888, is a global scientific society with members from academia, government, and industry in more than 100 countries. Through its meetings, publications, and programs, GSA enhances the professional growth of geoscientists at all career levels, encourages cooperative research among earth, life, planetary, and social scientists, fosters public dialogue on geoscience issues, and promotes the geosciences in the service of humankind. With a current membership of 19,000, nearly one-third are students.

The Geological Society of America Foundation

Building Financial Resources

The Geological Society of America Foundation develops funds to support the goals and programs of the Geological Society of America. The Foundation was created in 1980 and serves current and future donors by providing information and solutions that align their philanthropic interests with GSA programs and priorities. For corporate partners, the Foundation identifies areas of investment in GSA programs that align with their business strategies. Through this engagement with GSA members and corporate supporters, the GSA Foundation is now able to provide over $1.25 million annually to the Society.