Code of Ethics Enforcement – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Who is required to comply with GSA’s Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct?
GSA’s Code of Ethics applies to GSA Members and Awardees. GSA’s Enforcement Policy & Procedures – Code of Ethics sets forth the rules GSA uses to process and decide whether and how to enforce possible violation. This FAQ includes answers to common questions but is not a substitute for the full policy.
How do I submit an enforcement request?
GSA Members may submit an enforcement requests using this Enforcement Request Form.
The requestor will need to provide their name, email address, and GSA member number (which may be obtained by calling 1-800-472-1988). The requestor also will need to supply documentation (or links to documentation) showing that a credible body has issued findings against a GSA Member and/or Awardee for engaging in misconduct of the type covered in GSA’s Code of Ethics.
If I am the requestor, will my identity be revealed to the Member and/or Awardee under review?
No. GSA’s Ethics Office will have access to your name and identifying information so that they can communicate with you while your request being considered. The Ethics Office will not share your name and identifying information with anyone unless doing so is required by law. Completed Enforcement Request Forms are shared with Members and Awardees under review (so that they have an opportunity to respond), but only after names and identifying information have been redacted.
Will GSA perform its own investigation in response to an Enforcement Request?
No. GSA will not serve as an investigative body after someone submits an Enforcement Request Form. If you have a conduct concern related to a GSA-sponsored event, such as an annual meeting or section meeting, please use the procedures detailed in GSA’s Events Code of Conduct. GSA does investigate claims arising at GSA-sponsored events and an adverse finding by GSA could be used as evidence to support an Enforcement Request, but only if it has been concluded before the Enforcement Request has been filed.