Outreach to Members about Strategic Planning [ January 2019 ]

Dear GSA members:

We have an update for you on the status of the GSA decadal strategic plan. We are nearing the completion of the planning phase and intend to present a draft to Council at its May 2019 meeting. GSA staff is already preparing the basics of an implementation plan. Once Council has determined the final directions and goals, the implementation can be finalized.

Several directions and notions about GSA have become clear from the discussions, surveys, and reviews of GSA by both members and non-members. These directions will define the aspirations for GSA going forward. They are actually not surprising or earth-shattering but more so restate what GSA has been about for many decades. Furthering the geosciences and fostering scientific integrity is foremost in your minds. This includes publishing premier geoscience in a variety of scholarly venues as well as holding top notch meetings and field trips. You appreciate and want to protect GSA’s sense of community, recognizing the importance of having a safe and engaging space to share your science, knowledge, experience, and ideas with colleagues and students. The future of the geosciences is on your minds, whether it is working on defining and defending science-based policies, educating the public on the importance of science, or guaranteeing that the future workforce is prepared for the 21st century and beyond. Look for our efforts to enhance the Society and engage all GSA members.

GSA officers and the executive director will be holding informal town halls at all the 2019 spring Section Meetings to discuss the strategic planning and preliminary results. We look forward to meeting with you to share the society’s directions to serve you, steward the environment, and further the geosciences.

Robbie R. Gries
GSA President

Signature of Robbie Gries


Isabel P. Montañez
GSA Immediate Past President

Signature of Isabelle Montañez


Vicki S. McConnell
GSA Executive Director

Signature of Vicki McConnell


Decadal Strategic Planning at GSA [ January 2018 ]

We are pleased to share with you that GSA has embarked on an 18-month strategic planning effort that will define bold and compelling strategic goals to guide the Society over the next decade. This multi-phase planning process focuses on defining the Society’s aspirations, assessing evolving member needs and opportunities, and identifying critical issues, all in the context of the key strengths that distinguish GSA as a premier global geosciences society. Importantly, this long-term strategic plan will permit GSA to impart systemic change and to develop legacy projects, thus assuring the relevancy and sustainability of the Society into the future.

The strategic planning effort, initiated in August 2017 and targeted to wrap up by the close of 2018, involves mission- and validation-planning phases and will produce a comprehensive strategic plan including proactive program, finance, and development plans that will bring our goals to fruition. Collaboration of GSA and the GSA Foundation will ensure that fundraising efforts are in full alignment with the strategic goals of the Society. And we have partnered with an external consultant to ensure maximum synergy and efficiency of our efforts.

Engaging the membership broadly is an integral component of these strategic planning activities. As we go forward we will be reaching out to many of you to participate through task force committees, surveys, and focus groups. We strongly encourage you to participate. Building a key constituent perspective is critical to producing alignment among the various domains of GSA and to ensure representation of the rich diversity of our membership. Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your time and expertise.

We welcome your thoughts and insight and will keep you abreast of the activities.  Please contact any of us with your comments.

Isabel P. Montañez
GSA President

Robbie Rice Gries
GSA President-Elect

Vicki S. McConnell
GSA Executive Director