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Field-Based Geoscience Education

                          during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Planning,

                          Execution, Outcomes, and Forecasts

         Jonathan R. Rotzien, Basin Dynamics LLC and University of Houston, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1875 Post Oak Park
         Drive, Houston, Texas 77027, USA,; Ryan Sincavage, Radford University, Geology Dept., Box 6939, Radford,
         Virginia 24142-6939, USA,; Christopher Pellowski, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Dept. of
         Geology and Geological Engineering, 501 E. St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701, USA,;
         Yann Gavillot, Montana Tech University, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Butte, Montana 59701, USA,;
         Harry Filkorn, Pierce College, Physics and Planetary Sciences, 6201 Winnetka Ave., Woodland Hills, California 91371, USA, filkornh@; Scott Cooper, FractureStudies LLC, 99 Rainbow Road, Suite 4-5, Edgewood, New Mexico 87015, USA, scott@; Jeremy Shannon, Michigan Tech University, Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences, 1400 Townsend
         Drive, Houghton, Michigan 49931, USA,; Umit Yildiz, Foster Sawyer, Nuri Uzunlar, South Dakota School of Mines
         and Technology, Dept. of Geology and Geological Engineering, 501 E. St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701, USA, umit.yildiz@;;

         ABSTRACT                            and the Board of Regents; (iii) logistics, trans-  including the subfields of sedimentology,
          The undergraduate geoscience experience   portation, accommodation, and dining ser-  stratigraphy, mineralogy, structural geology,
         typically culminates in a field-based capstone   vices require advanced levels of consideration   and  metamorphic and igneous petrology.
         course that utilizes outcrop mapping, geologic   to adequately address COVID-19–related risk   Some specialized field camps provide more
         observation, and interpretation across multi-  and uncertainty; (iv) online teaching and   opportunities for students to develop their
         ple disciplines to provide the graduating geol-  exercises can address geological field meth-  interests in fields such as volcanology, geo-
         ogist with fundamental field-mapping skills.   ods, but they cannot adequately assess a stu-  physics (Bank and Rotzien, 2007), structure
         However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic,   dent’s ability to map geology in the field; (v)   and thrust-belt tectonics, sedimentary basin
         many of the field-based geoscience programs   field-mapping exercises need to be adjusted to   analysis and applied petroleum geoscience
         have been temporarily suspended or shifted to   reduce the number of people in one field area   (Anderson et al., 1999; Rotzien et al., 2020,
         an online format. To address the demand for   and lower their interaction to support social-  and references therein), or environmental
         graduating seniors in the broad field of geo-  distancing guidelines from relevant govern-  hazard mitigation. Whichever type of field
         science, the South Dakota School of Mines   ment and health authorities; and (vi) plans   camp a student chooses to complete, it is
         and Technology developed an innovative   need to be put into place for overall health and   intended to be one of the highlights of their
         hybrid course consisting of two parts: (i) a   safety as well as contingency plans in the   undergraduate geoscience learning experi-
         14-day online course on geological field   event of an outbreak before and during the   ence. However, during the COVID-19 pan-
         methods, followed by (ii) a 15-day in-person   field camp. We hope that this experience of   demic, many field camps were canceled,
         geologic mapping course based out of Rapid   delivering a geology field camp during the   postponed, or fully converted to an online
         City, South Dakota, USA. Analysis of this   COVID-19 pandemic is useful in providing   format. These cancellations and modifica-
         new hybrid course provides a benchmark on   a benchmark on reasonable field-camp prac-  tions caused demand for face-to-face field
         how to develop and execute field-based geo-  tices, identifying critical successes and   camps for graduating seniors to rise. In order
         science education with greater accessibility to   unknowns, and guiding field-camp develop-  to address this demand, the Black Hills
         field geology through a combination of online   ment during pandemics. We also hope this   Natural Sciences Field Station (BHNSFS) at
         and face-to-face teaching. Our hybrid course   contribution will serve as a useful guide for   the South Dakota School of Mines and
         model was taught during the first summer of   universities and businesses that intend to   Technology (SDSMT) developed a hybrid
         the pandemic (28 June to 28 July 2020), and   engage in face-to-face activities during this   course consisting of two parts: an online
         this experience provided the following   time of uncertainty.          geological field methods course followed by
         insights: (i) there are four key stages to lead-                       a field-based geologic mapping course.
         ing a field camp over a five-month timeline:   INTRODUCTION              The task of building this hybrid course
         development, logistics planning, implementa-  Undergraduate geoscience disciplines set   was not a simple process. Constructing a
         tion, and review; (ii) key decision makers and   themselves apart from other natural science   field camp during the COVID-19 pandemic
         stakeholders in the process include the stu-  curricula in that they generally require a   required attention to key factors, including:
         dents, instructors, field-camp logisticians,   multi-week field-based geologic mapping   (i) pre-camp online field methods exercises;
         campus dining and housing facilitators, field-  capstone course to graduate. These field   (ii) logistics, such as accommodations, din-
         station director, department chair, provost,   camps cover a broad spectrum of topics,   ing, and transportation; and (iii) contingency

         GSA Today, v. 31, CC-BY-NC.

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