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Figure 3.

(A) Recent earthquake epicenters in the Nile delta and northern Egypt, emphasizing two active megashears discussed in text: (1) East Mediterranean-Cairo-Fayum Trend, and (2) Red Sea-Gulf of Suez-Alexandria Trend (modified after Kebeasy, 1990, and Gamal, 2013). (B) The depocenter’s coastal margin showing gas field discoveries and major structural trends both on- and offshore, including the pronounced Neogene Hinge Zone trending E-W across the northern delta (after EGAS, 2015). G.O.S.—Gulf of Suez. (C) SE to NW cross section highlighting subsurface stratigraphy and major subsurface structural trends from delta to offshore shelf, including some that extend to the delta surface (after Kellner et al., 2009).

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